Mech your killing me! LOL
An and Willie would get along just fine.

Its a silly ban, on a wonderful plant. We can drink, smoke, put crap in our food/drinks that cause cancer, obesity, etc...but you can't enjoy a god given flower that has many uses from paper and clothes to medicine. That's not even getting into the personal enjoyment part. More people have had their lives ruined over this little plant, not from smoking but for being jailed for it..just silly. An yes..I'm using my filter..cause silly isn't the word I was going
I've said it before, it's personal to me. My grandfather passed from cancer, but I got to enjoy another several months with him cause of this so called illicit drug. It helped him to eat after going thru chemo, so yea..I'm in favor of legalization. Tax it, put the money to good use, an put the private prison industry out of business. Bigger issues in the world then this plant.
/end rant
Sorry for the
Sirscrapalot - "Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?"
- Henry Ford quote on Marijuana