Anyone ever take a sleeper sofa for the metal framing inside?
Anyone ever take a sleeper sofa for the metal framing inside?
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I've gotten a few sofa.. mainly futon.. and I just toss them in with My steel.
not worth taking apart a sofa..
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unless the bottom section is already out or partially out and easy to break off I leave them, toooooo much junk to get rid of and too much room they take up in a truck.
I'm pretty sure the OP is thinking of the pullout sofa beds and not sofas or futons.
If you have ever moved one you'll know the type that he is thinking of,
as you would prefer to avoid moving them again, helping a friend/family member
move and said sofa bed has always been a dreaded item.
Now come to think of it, ...I have never concidered it on the scrap end of it,
as I haven't come accross any as yet to scrap, ...they do weigh a fair amount though.
I'm not sure how much steel would be left after separating the steel from the wood(particle board)/upolstery though.
Yeah I mean the pullout sofas beds i saw a few on CL recently and remember they have a lot of metal framing inside. I might need to grab one just to see how hard it is.
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thats the way to learn if its worth it to you or not!
Try it once, I'll do it again
try it once, never again!!
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I used to pick these up (Not really worth it)
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I won't pick them up but if I'm Taking one to the dump for a client, I'll bust it apart at the dump. (I always carry a BFH in the truck). Same thing with mattresses, TVs or projection TVs.
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during trash week, I sometimes strip them with a cordless drill so someone else wont strip them with a sledge hammer
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Watch for bedbugs an other assorted critters!
Sirscrapalot - I plead the fifth! Or is..I pass the fifth..I forget.
With our junk removal business, we take a saw zaw and cut out the bed frame and toss the rest in the land fill. Doesn't take that long and it makes a good addition to the rest of the scrap pile. Mattress not worth it unless you burn it. We cut all the fabric off one and the weight of the springs wasn't worth the time it took us so now we don't bother with nothing but the frame. We do the same thing to recliners
I may have to try it sometime, recliners could be easier. Good tip about the bed bugs I know they are a real problem in NY.
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My wife works for a hotel, so it's spoken about a lot in our house. LOL..Traveling with her is always a trip, cause she will check a room up an down before she pronounces it ok for us to stay in!
This is why I no longer take beds of any kind, just to risky. Specially in a tourist town.
Sirscrapalot - Bugging out.
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Ive never scrapped a sleeper sofa. but Ive scrapped a few couches before. the springs and frame were heavy on some. some were just springs which were not that heavy.
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Leave it@the curb if you cant take it apart where it's@too much trash to take home
Burn em and scrap what's left!
Okay, so it used to be a reasonable option.
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I burned a sleeper sofa several years ago. Was probably an early 80's sofa, and that things went up like a roman candle! The frame inside was actually quite light considering the shear weight of the sofa as a whole! Not worth taking apart by hand!!!
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^^^the flame retardant materials they put in these couches are horrible for the environment if they are burned, please dont do that.
uggh one of these has been sitting in front of my house for a while, im considering taking my new sawzawl too it.... and then considering taking my roomates sawzawl to the couch down the streetsomeone just left the ****er upside down, metalside up like their asking someone to take it.. i should probably please not do that
collecting san joses scrap
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If there were no environmental considerations, burning would certainly be the best option. But considering our air quality, not to mention possible legal problems, I sa leave them at the curb or straight to the dump. Not worth the trouble to disassemble.
Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
John Terrell (248) 224-2188
Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329
I just burned one on my bonfire pile. I burn a lot of junk wood and furniture and always grab the steel out and throw in light metal pile.
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