My father was less than what he should have been, I had to take my mentors where I could find them when I was younger, uncles when they were around, friends fathers, etc.
One of my friends fathers was in WWII, he fathered my friend after he had already retired. He was what I would call a man with true grit. He survived WWII as a B17 pilot, 2 tours. he won several medals, lost close friends, a finger which funny enough was his middle finger, shrapnel. After the war he purchased a piece of property, made the brick from the clay on his property with sand, built his house himself, what I would call a true man.
He had a saying that I like to repeat whenever I am given a chance to do so. It went something like this.
If you truly desire to be a success, at whatever it is you are intending to do, all you have to do is try as hard as you can for as long as it takes.
It's a very simple saying, but says a lot in it's simplicity. And here I am passing it along to you, I hope it serves you well. It sounds you have a true desire, and you intend to employ it. I wish you the best of luck but I have a feeling you are not really going to need a lot of it.