How much air pressure should I need to blow through 16 inch thick steel. I'm using 1200 series victor torch with #12 tip? Any input would be great thanks.
How much air pressure should I need to blow through 16 inch thick steel. I'm using 1200 series victor torch with #12 tip? Any input would be great thanks.
I have a big victor at the yard with a #16 tip that will cut 16 inch with ease. I have the regulator on our bulk oxy tank maxed out at 265# and run 40# of propane. I warn you now......hang on as the splashbacks are real nasty. I cut dieblocks with this setup and have learned to go slow,so when i hit little peices of stainless within the die,the cut either goes through or around them. The nice thing about the yard I work for now is : they truly dont care how much oxy i use. Our victor is not as hard on oxy as the Harris,but the Harris will cut 60 inch where the Victor wont
We have bulk tank to it but my max is only 165 and the pressure builder is wide open what do you think ???
We have small bulk oxygen tank in our yard and I'm maxing out at 165 what do you think I should do different
look under the bulk tank and you will see a regulator on the pressure building side. Tighten the bolt on the regulator to give you more pressure. If the safety valve blows off,back up a couple of turns and thats what you will have to work with. I use half inch oxy line and three eights fuel line for volume. Dont be afraid to go heavy on the fuel since you will get more heat that way. If you are running a Victor HDNL tip,you can bore it out to a number 16 with a drill bit since all the HDNL carcasses are the same.
Hope this helps
As a side note: make sure you have hearing protection because the torch howls at high pressure. Do not tune the torch for a nuetral flame,just open up the valves as far as they will go and the torch stays lit with the oxy lever depressed and make sure the tip is clean. I built a tip cutter so my tips last a long time. You can cut them down to about and inch and a half long and they stil;l work
Last edited by hmburner; 08-09-2013 at 04:11 PM.
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