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Range Cord

| Scrap Metal Tips and Advice
  1. #1
    TwiztidM3thods started this thread.
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    Range Cord

    I got a few 6ft 4 prong range cords whats inside the plug its self should I try to open it also or whats the best way to scrap it to get the most money from it?

  2. #2
    ginofrater's Avatar
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    Get on the road...

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  4. #3
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    There's some controversy on this forum about stripping wire compared to taking it in as is. However, that debate surrounds the smaller wires, like light duty extension cords where the weight of the insulation sometimes makes the price of the unstripped wire very close to the stripped copper.

    For stove cords, you are looking at a pretty heavy piece of copper in each conductor--I would strip them and take in the bare copper as #2 bare. The plugs have brass pins so you can cut the plug apart and separate the brass and copper in the plug. If that is too much of a pain, save the plugs and sell them as dirty copper or brass when you get a bucketful.

    As Gino suggests above, there are plenty of threads on this forum about stripping cable or not and what people are doing with plugs. There is even a thread on how to do the experiment on checking how much the cable is worth unstripped and how much it's worth stripped.

    A lot of time the decision is between you and your yard: How much time you are willing to spend on cleaning up your stuff, and your yard, in what they will take and what they pay for it.

    Hope this helps,

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  6. #4
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    Another option is try selling them on Craigslist or Ebay. I know on Ebay, used ones can sell up to $10 each (with shipping) if in good shape. I know in my area they are in high demand right now.

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