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I've never done a boiler before myself but how much could they possibly be worth that people are willing to put in all that work removing it and we've gotten to the point that people don't care about asbestos?
I kind of figured they would be mostly iron.
Well to me it's worth $500. I told the guy I'd charge him $500 but I'd take off whatever I can get in scrap value for it so I figure he'll only have to pay about $200-$300 out of his own pocket. So whatever it's worth in scrap is irrelevant in this case, to me it's worth $500. Anyone think that was good number? Too low? Too high? Just curious to what you guys would charge. The way i look at it it'll take me about a day's worth of work (8 hours), so $500 for a days work pays for the asbestos hazard. I've never heard of the fume fever though, that's defiantly something to consider. Would using a sawzall instead of a grinder eliminate that risk?