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How far should i travel?

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  1. #1
    tsmith53149 started this thread.
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    How far should i travel?

    Just wondering, with the cost of gas, and driving a truck that probably gets 12 to the gallon, how far should i travel to make a profit, or does it depend on the load and what the person has?

  2. #2
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    It obviously depends on the load. I'd drive a 100 miles for a $500 load. $50 in gas will get you there & back. $500/day ain't a bad living.

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  4. #3
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Only you can decide that. For me, my sandbar is a small area, even if I cross over on to the mainland for pick ups, I usually will stay in a 2 hour radius. Then again tho, I don't live in a huge city, an most the communities on the mainland near me are rural farming types. I can go from my sandbar all the way south, or cross to the main land an head up to the Va line if I want. ( within my 2 hour radius ). Takes an hour to go south, an 2 hours to go to the VA line, so anywhere in between those points, I'll go if the load is worth it.

    Thankfully I do mostly ewaste an rarely have to chase a load, an can stay on my sandbar. There are times tho I head off it an do pick ups of regular scrap.

    Sirscrapalot - Smashing an bashing is way to the gold.
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  5. #4
    Mick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsmith53149 View Post
    Just wondering, with the cost of gas, and driving a truck that probably gets 12 to the gallon, how far should i travel to make a profit, or does it depend on the load and what the person has?
    As far as there's profit. If there was a load 2,000 miles away and I could make enough profit....
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  7. #5
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsmith53149 View Post
    how far should i travel to make a profit,
    I am with Mick
    I will go almost anywhere as long as there is money to be made

  8. #6
    scrapping's Avatar
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    Same here, I'd fo to the U.A.E. if I could make money.

  9. #7
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Well, between my home and my moms home which I ''base'' my operations from, I will travel all surrounding cities depending on time of year and need. I have been scrapping for 4 years and know which town is when from either vantage point. In the summer I try to do both to the best of my abilities which isn't easy - lots of driving and many all nighter break downs and little sleep and living on coffee and beer and funyuns and spaghettios lol.

    Now, it is ''unemployment'' time for hubby for the winter so I live at moms 6 days a week and scrap from out here because its the biggest scrap area to cover and hubby covers from our home base. Wednesday is the biggest ''mileage'' day for me, around 50 total. But, thats 3 cities.

    I guess the only way to answer this question is to learn whats out there ''around'' you and how much profit you make from driving it and decide if its worth going ''further'' out.

    I will say this though, don't give up - winters are always slower than the rest of the year but you can always stay closer to home during the ''down'' times and branch out in the spring and summer.

    Additionally, as you go along you will make contacts and build up your hauls/profits.

    Good luck!!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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