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Scrapping out of a car 101 - Page 2

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  1. #21
    NJSouth's Avatar
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    Minivans RULE for scrapping. Take those seats out or hide them away. Just a little bit of tinting on the windows and its off to the scrap yard! I miss my 2000 Chevy Venture.

  2. #22
    DopenScrapple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gueroinchicago View Post
    I also scrap out of my car and one thing I do to make my trips to the yard more efficient is break things down to their smallest component in order to make them fit. I can give 3 quick examples. I put a post up yesterday regarding how I was able to make the hood of a car fit into my Hyundai accent, it took me a little while longer than I wanted but I was on a mission to make it fit. This morning on my way to the yard I found a metal pipe that was about 15 feet long and 5 minutes with a hacksaw and my problem was solved. Last but not least, this afternoon I found a dishwasher at a house that was being remodeled. Once I was done pulling the motor out of the bottom, the guy working on the house was nice enough to let me use his sawzall, 2 vertical cuts later(about 5 minutes) and I was able to fold the sides over and make it flat. I don't do enough volume to warrant having a truck yet, but its on my wish-list. I lose a little bit in time, because it would be easier to just toss things in the bed of a truck. But I feel like I gain some of it back with regard to gas mileage. I also get a strange look every once in a while but I'm more concerned with the financial goals I've reached and the goals I'm striving for now than what other people may think of me.

    I can get dishwasher to fit into my honda civic by putting the front and passenger seats all the way leaning back and then it will load thru the passenger side door. I only have to be careful not to hit the gear shifter in the center console.

  3. #23
    DopenScrapple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NJSouth View Post
    Minivans RULE for scrapping. Take those seats out or hide them away. Just a little bit of tinting on the windows and its off to the scrap yard! I miss my 2000 Chevy Venture.
    that's funny, scrapping out of my car seems to always end up taking tinting OFF of the windows...

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  5. #24
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Scrapped in a Honda Hybrid, great gas mileage but not much room!

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  7. #25
    Grayson97's Avatar
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    Easiest solution.....Get an s10 to have the best of both worlds, pulled 1500lbs of shred with mine today on a trailer, just took it easy

  8. #26
    Phantoms001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grayson97 View Post
    Easiest solution.....Get an s10 to have the best of both worlds, pulled 1500lbs of shred with mine today on a teailer, just took it easy
    I bought a 96 S-10 with 150,000 miles for 400.00 off GovDeals. I've had 1200 # in mine several times. You feel like your in a rocket ship with the back bumper 5" off the ground but it did okay.

  9. #27
    matador's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grayson97 View Post
    Easiest solution.....Get an s10 to have the best of both worlds, pulled 1500lbs of shred with mine today on a trailer, just took it easy
    I'd go for a Dodge Dakota. I had a 1992 that was beat up by the time I bought it. I hauled over 2000# in the bed a few times. I've also towed 4000# of trailer weight a couple of times. The truck would do 55 on the highway (That's my normal truck driving speed), and hauled the load very well. I got about 23 MPG empty, and about 20 loaded. Mine had the 5 Speed manual and the 3.9L V6. The 318 would do it even better! The Dakotas are one heck of a truck!

    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post

    This load was a good 2000#

  10. #28
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    My wife has a 2012 Caravan with stow and go seats. That can fit a washer and dryer easily.
    I drive a 2000 Crown Vic Police Interceptor. I just recently bought a Harbor Freight trailer.
    It will get plated this week.
    That will be my scrapping trailer.
    I just finished it today. 970587.771716.688450586&type=1

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  12. #29
    Lurch's Avatar
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    I use to have a couple minivans for scrapping. First one was an 02 Voyager. Got almost 30 on the highway thanks to the 2.4(?). Second was a 91 Pontiac Trans Sport (The Dust Buster). That thing got MAYBE 23. Unfortunately i owned both before i was REALLY into scrapping. Right now, i have a 2000 Taurus. Not the greatest scrapper ive ever had but it gets what i need it to. Gas mileage is decent, decent capacity, low weight capability though but i cant justify getting a truck at the moment

  13. #30
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I have really abused my Taurus hauling loads of scrap home and to the yard. But when I can bring home 18 computers in one shot then it works for me.

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