I recently had a vistor from the EPA, guess What... I learned one thing,
I'm doing a great job, and second,,, just a fyi to those that do recycle,
LCD screen ccfl, when you tear them apart due to gourge or broken screen be sure to put them in a plastic container and label them Universal waste.
and second. Lithium Batteries, again, package them and labe them Universal waste,
He was pleased with my record keeping and pleased with my setup, I was nervour at first but I'm saying what am I doing wrong. and He was really pleased, well thought plan and nicely done.
if You or anyone that is doing recycling, if You've any quesiton I be happy to answer them,
one thing, and he was glad I did this, Batteries, Lead acid batteries, DO not DO NOT store them on the floor, be sure to put them on a pallet with cardboard on the bottom incase one starts to leak,
oh, one more thing, those florescent lightbulbs, that up above your head, You've to report those to the epa where they are going, don't toss them in the garbage, if they find out.. its not a big deal unless its over 220lbs of lights bulbs florescent type, so if you've alot of them again place them in a long corrugated box and label it universal waste and show a paper where you dispose it properly.
So being inspected by the EPA, is not that big of a deal as long as you're being level headed and taking every precaution to protect your enviroment,
So if again if you've any quesiton please don't hesitate to ask.