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escrap, save more or to haord more

| Scrap Metal Tips and Advice
  1. #1
    oldtruck started this thread.
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    escrap, save more or to haord more

    i'm pretty new to the e-scrap thing ,but not totally lost ,...problem is my local yard don't buy it ,theres a yard like 45 min away but i've noticed they don't pay much ....after reading on here a bunch i think i can find a decent buyer but probly be a hundred mile drive ,.....i don't use paypal or e-bay much ,..i'm old ,i'd rather drive there ........
    problem is ,i don't really have a clue what its worth ,other then knowing if i'm getting ripped off ........this is the stuff i got and how far i broke down
    , seperated hard drives ,processers and motherboards for 10 different pc's
    , bowl of ram sticks
    ,5 50 gallon tubs of low grade baords
    ,5 laptops ,untouched
    ,a bucket of cellphones untouched
    ,a bucket of breakers
    ,3 flat screen monitors
    ,3 flat screen tvs
    ,heat sinks,finger boards ,power supplys ,fans and disc drives for the 10 pc's
    ,misc batterys

    any advice as far as seperating it more ,what it may be worth and if what i got is worth driving most of the day away ,...?? .....i've read a bunch on sperating and grading ..,even more confused about it now ,lol .....have a buyer in mind but am thinking i just wanna give it up at the current state of broken downess .....should i collect , should i save more ,....and am i gonna get robbed if i don't break down further
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  2. #2
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    I would suggest that you "work like you don't need the money, and dance like no one is watching". Just my 2 cents.

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  4. #3
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    Go check out the buyer's section. You'll find price lists, buyers to choose from, and then you can ask that buyer how they want it broken down.
    ~You have to start somewhere to get anywhere~

  5. #4
    oldtruck started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrappinRed View Post
    Go check out the buyer's section. You'll find price lists, buyers to choose from, and then you can ask that buyer how they want it broken down.
    been trying to read as much as i can before contacting buyer ,....the stuff is currently broke down for the itemized list of a buyer i know of ,but the place only has about 10 itemized pay rates and doesn't buy everything i got .....and one thing i've noticed is that most buyers in this industry don't wanna spend all day teaching folks .......figuered i'd find out as much as i could first

  6. #5
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    Keep reading and keep saving it up. You can regret selling before you know the information available in this forum. When you read the old threads keep in mind the price of gold has fallen a lot so you must adjust your thinking.

    Much has been written on shipping and some of the buyers can help with making arrangements. I live on the coast of North Carolina and shipping costs are very important to consider. Keep reading, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  8. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I don't think there's enough for a load yet. Keep stockpiling till you get a decent sized load.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  10. #7
    TheDude80's Avatar
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    I would also try selling those laptops online. Either craigslist or Ebay. Depending on the models a quick search on ebay will tell you if there are any sold listings, and for how much. I almost always sell any laptops I get online, even if they are incomplete. The resale value is way more then the $1 or so you're going to get in scrap.

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  12. #8
    oldtruck started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude80 View Post
    I would also try selling those laptops online. Either craigslist or Ebay. Depending on the models a quick search on ebay will tell you if there are any sold listings, and for how much. I almost always sell any laptops I get online, even if they are incomplete. The resale value is way more then the $1 or so you're going to get in scrap.
    usually with decent laptops i trade em or sell em to a friend who e-bays ,the ones picturd are to old ,broke and arent worth shipping and time to list other then scrap ......not even sure if they'r complete ,pulled em down from the shelf the other day but didn't look at them .....they were the returns from the friend who ebays/fixes them .....dudes pretty savy ,if they were worth anything he'd have probly kept them.....i'll probly check em out further tonight ,...i think they are all complete ,but broken beyond value of repair ........i think the one runs like windows 98 ,way to old

    thanks for the links mechanic ,.....we got a snowstorm here today ,be a good night for reading ,messing with that stuff

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