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How much are your storage units setting you guys back?
Just got bill $125/mo for 10x15. But, I'll go in and haggle/pay ahead. Lasti time I went in the office I paid ahead 6 mo and got the 7th free so it all balanced out to approx $102/mo. Hoping to repeat the same deal. It's heated/cooled power/light shared toilet access.
For those thinking of renting a space, negotiate a little. Can't hurt to ask for better deal.
The crap n scrap I've found near the garbage over there has paid for at least a month rent, too. If I went over more often, the trash would easily pay the rent. Good investment that space, IMO. I got a vintage chrome table in there and couple chairs. Work on the quieter scrapping, sorting, thinking, etc. I meet people for CL sales.