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eWaste Not Want Not

| Scrap Metal Tips and Advice
  1. #1
    lousypirate started this thread.
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    eWaste Not Want Not

    Anybody dealt with them? They are about 20 miles from my current residence. (they are in Holland, MI)

    Screwy company name. I emailed them asking for a current price sheet for what they buy. Time will tell.

    Only open 3 days a week, and worse than bank hours?
    Last edited by Mick; 01-29-2014 at 01:50 PM. Reason: delete link

  2. #2
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    Take the time to read the buyers threads here to compare prices before you give them anything. Also make certain you are getting a good check or cash. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  3. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    When you do grt prices figure shipping costs vs driving costs, and let us know what the prices are!

  4. #4
    lousypirate started this thread.
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    I have a creeping feeling they want the free drop off/pick up more than anyone elses business where they might actually pay someone for product...

    I did see that they charged .25/# to take CRT glass.

  5. #5
    lousypirate started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Take the time to read the buyers threads here to compare prices before you give them anything. Also make certain you are getting a good check or cash. Mike.
    Oh, don't worry about that, I got screwed once before. Never again... I hope.

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  7. #6
    lousypirate started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    When you do grt prices figure shipping costs vs driving costs, and let us know what the prices are!
    driving costs would chalk up to maybe $12 and 1.5 hours of my time. I doubt shipping would be that cheap haha.

  8. #7
    lousypirate started this thread.
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    So, they actually sent me a price sheet. About what I expected, pretty disappointing.
    I might try to get them to stay late to sell plastic, since it beats driving across state about 30-50% of what the buyers on here are paying. Not sure how to gauge how much plastic weight I have to justify a run down there. I wouldn't mind if it was break even, just to see what they look like and maybe try to expand their price sheets to try to fill some niche's
    Last edited by Mick; 01-30-2014 at 01:21 PM. Reason: deleted advertising

  9. #8
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Most scrap yards would give you better pricing on all the non ewaste metals..
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  10. #9
    lousypirate started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    Most scrap yards would give you better pricing on all the non ewaste metals..
    yeah, I noticed that too haha.

    I think they sell that to scrap yards...

  11. #10
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    Those are total rip-off prices LP, box that stuff up and ship it, you'll more than recover your shipping.
    Boxes are easy to come by, tape and labels are cheap

  12. #11
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    whats funny is if I lived there that may be me lol. i have experimented this last year on the prices i pay and the higher I pay the less I get cause people will just save and send to someone else so I only pay higher amounts to the regulars I have even though they do not really even care to much unless I lower it a lot but never had to yet. which I get a lot of business because I will pick up a single computer or a hair dryer for that mater. its funny cause some things there higher on than me lol. I pay 75cents lb for motherboards 90 for finger cards 10cents each power supply not per pound and 50cents each hard drive but I do not buy anything else unless its over 50lbs for cables and such.

  13. #12
    lousypirate started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ResourcefulRecycling View Post
    If you have a large enough load, we do offer pickup services! Contact me for details if you are interested!
    I've been planning on hauling a load to you. A friend in my off road club gave me a tip on them, so I inquired like any normal person would do. I want to do business with you, but I don't think I have a big enough load to justify the pickup? email me at

    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    Those are total rip-off prices LP, box that stuff up and ship it, you'll more than recover your shipping.
    Boxes are easy to come by, tape and labels are cheap
    I'm well aware Bear, the only thing I considered was the plastic, but they since have told me that they will not accept plastic without other material. I do not plan on doing any business with them.

    Can I ignore an individual on this forum like my offroad forum? It's nice, because whatever they type just gets shown as "post hidden, you are ignoring this ignoramus" or something to that effect.
    Last edited by Mick; 01-30-2014 at 01:25 PM. Reason: deleted insult towards another member

  14. #13
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    Can I ignore an individual on this forum like my offroad forum? It's nice, because whatever they type just gets shown as "post hidden, you are ignoring this ignoramus" or something to that effect

    Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:

    Go to that users profile and click on the "Add to Ignore List", as I and some others may now do for you. Thanks for the reminder about that function.

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  16. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by lousypirate View Post
    Can I ignore an individual on this forum like my offroad forum? It's nice, because whatever they type just gets shown as "post hidden, you are ignoring this ignoramus" or something to that effect.
    The "ignore" feature is more of a laugh. If I want to ignore someone, I no longer wish to even see their name, much less retain the ability to "view this post". What it does in actuality is allows you to totally block them from seeing you, while retaining the ability to watch them, which is the very method used by a stalker. It really should be titled as such, seeing as it does not allow you to ignore them, it only allows you to stalk, and should be labeled the "stalk" feature. If it was actually to ignore, or to block a person, it should block in both directions, and not just the one.

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