Hey all, a question or two for you...
I'm pretty sharp about some things, but thinking about different business plans ain't one of them and I could use some advice.
The background: I'm a very part-time scrapper with a fair amount of experience taking apart and sorting computers/
escrap. I don't know everything about everything, but I know a 486 CPU when I see one (mainly because it says "486" on it...). Mostly I find a computer here and a computer there; I save up the good bits to sell to a forum member and truck the steel, power supplies and #3 insulated wire over to my local scrap yard. I haven't made a bazillion bucks, but it's as fun as anything I do for money.
The scene: I was at my local scrap yard the other day and got to talking to the owner about escrap. Long story short, he gave me four computers to take home, disassemble, and bring back. He wanted to know what I could get for the parts and how long it took me. He *could* be a jerk just looking for free labor and market tips- I don't know him from Adam. However, I've been dealing with his yard for a couple years now and everything I've seen is pretty legit. My impression is that with local competition moving in, he's trying to figure out a way to get more than shred for his computers without the space and experienced labor to do so. In essence, we're both interested to see if there is a way for both of us to make money and be happy about it- he has the materials and at least some wholesale market connections, I have the time and experience necessary as well as some market connections of my own.
My question is: what's the best way to go about this?
A: I get paid $x per piece. He keeps all of the material, I get paid no matter how much or little any one machine is worth with an incentive to work as quickly as possible. Maybe if there is some component (e.g. hard disk platters) he can't sell or I can sell for more we cut a deal. This assumes that [the value of the components] - [my fee] > [shred] (or whatever he gets for them whole).
B: I get paid $x per hour. He keeps all of the material, I get paid a guaranteed rate. Again, if he can't sell something I'll negotiate to buy it off him. And again, this assumes [the value of the components] - [my wage] > [shred]
C: I flat out buy the machines from him, keep the goodies and sell back the steel, motors and wire. This assumes [the value of the components] > [the price he sells the computer to me] > [the price he can sell them whole]
D: Some other arrangement?
A few last thoughts... I don't know what he pays for computers or what he gets for components (though I suppose he'll let me know when we talk next week). I like the idea of buying components from him (memory sticks, CPUs, etc.) so that I can accumulate them and time the market. However, while he doesn't do a whole lot of volume (yet) he eventually has the potential to negotiate better deals and lower shipping.
Anyway, what do you all think? I'm leaning toward A, so long as I can make it work out the equivalent of at least $10-15 per hour. Too much? Too little? Maybe later I'll post the data from my experiment in taking his four machines apart...