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How much can I afford to buy brake rotors for?

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  1. #1
    crownvicscrapper started this thread.
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    How much can I afford to buy brake rotors for?

    Hey smf gang!

    I got a lead from a friend about a garage that is looking for someone to take their scrap. I've been told the guy who used to take it for them moved out of the country.

    They have several hundred brake rotors sitting in a pile. The other guy used to pay for it, but I'm not sure how much/

    I've never done a job like this before and dont even have a trailer (but live close to u-haul, so $14.95/day for me). I have no idea how to structure this.

    Should I offer to pay by the pound, pay a % of payout, pay a flat rate, leave 55gal drums? or even pay $1 a rotor or something

    There are a lot of possibilities here and I could end up scrapping several cars and parts and stuff so I want to be prepared when I walk in there offering to take scrap metal. What do you guys think I should do?

    btw - Scrap prices here are

    $155/ton shred steel
    $155/ton white cast iron
    $155/ton #2 steel
    $205/ton #1 steel
    $230/ton black cast iron

    not sure which one rotors fall under

  2. #2
    gamedayron is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I believe rotors go as #2 steel or under the cast iron category , I've never bought rotors myself but I've heard .25 each is a good number to be around . Good luck with the deal don't forget to ask about their batteries and cats

  3. #3
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    All I can say is rental sucks. Take $15 a day for ten days you could buy one with wheels on it. A freebie might have em too. Just my .02 ; ) Good luck : )

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  5. #4
    JunkLady is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    How much can I afford to buy brake rotors for?

    I believe they are #1 cast iron. Id suggest assessing the load before deciding. but im in favor of paying for the load vs percentage, this way you control the variables(if u meet a rebuilder who wants to pay you $100 per used engine/trans u make the call). I say $.25 is good but if he has lots of other things to make money off of then shoot maybe $.50 each. Think about the whole "take" like if it takes you 2 days to complete and you can net atleast $250 then not bad at $125/day while learning.figure in the rental,etc. As for trailer, yes save n get 1 OR maybe the guy is scrapping a truck. Youtube how to make trailor out of bed. Just my ideas...not gospel. Curious to see how it turns out.
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  6. #5
    mseashell is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Some really good suggestions/advice. I would look into a core buyer. I have a guy locally that pays 2 dollars each for any rotor. As for drums he pays 2.75. Of corse batt and cats would go to core buyer too. U might end up with some starters/alternators every now and then. My core guy gives me 6 for alts and 5 for starters. It might not work out for u, but do check in with a core buyer around ur area. They also usually buy whole trannys and some times motors. Alum heads too. All stuff they buy as cores is more than the scrap yard pays
    Good luck and keep us posted

  7. #6
    JunkLady is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    How much can I afford to buy brake rotors for?

    I need your core buyer at $2 rotor, my guy only gives $1. Send him around my way in nc

  8. #7
    mseashell is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I. am in ky. Don't know excatly where all he covers, but I know he does go to va, wv. Next time I talk to him ill see for u. Might actually work out. If u have enough stuff he might make a round every so often. Maybe the two of u can meet somewhere. Not for sure where he delivers his cores to, but he drives a 53 foot trailor when he heads out. I go to his house. His trailor is lined with shelves and bins and such.

  9. #8
    Mick's Avatar
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    I bought scrap rotors from garages for several years. I paid 0.25 a piece and lost them to a core buyer paying $1. Like the last garage owner told me - he'd rather I got them but it was hard to turn that down.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  10. #9
    sledge's Avatar
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    I would keep in mind your local steel pricing at all times. Buying it for $1 today may seem like a deal (Not where I am).. but if steel takes a dump and you are still buying at a $1- you'll quickly loose your buns!
    Keep your finger on the pulse of pricing, buy for at least HALF of what you would get to take it in. If you can negotiate more.. go for it. Just my .02
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  12. #10
    redcrossnj is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Think about this very careful , uhaul charges per mile . You also have to find OUT HOW MUCH the other guy was paying per rotor . I asked a local garage about outbidding his scrap guy, he said $2.00 a rotor . No way in hell I said. It would not be worth it.

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  14. #11
    Goatrutar is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by redcrossnj View Post
    Think about this very careful , uhaul charges per mile . You also have to find OUT HOW MUCH the other guy was paying per rotor . I asked a local garage about outbidding his scrap guy, he said $2.00 a rotor . No way in hell I said. It would not be worth it.
    Your local garage probably quoted you triple what he was really getting.

  15. #12
    redcrossnj is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goatrutar View Post
    Your local garage probably quoted you triple what he was really getting.
    True but ether way to me it would not be worth it .

  16. #13
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    If dude hits Ky, Wva, an Va...Depending on where Junklady is in NC shouldn't be to hard for him to add it in to his rounds. It's easy access from Va to Nc. Depending on where he goes in Va.

    Sirscrapalot - When you finally go back to your old home, you find it wasn't the old home you missed but your childhood. - Sam Ewing

  17. #14
    redcrossnj is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    If dude hits Ky, Wva, an Va...Depending on where Junklady is in NC shouldn't be to hard for him to add it in to his rounds. It's easy access from Va to Nc. Depending on where he goes in Va.

    Sirscrapalot - When you finally go back to your old home, you find it wasn't the old home you missed but your childhood. - Sam Ewing
    You can add jersey to that list to

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  19. #15
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    But nobody wants to go to Jersey!

    At lest not in a 53 foot trailer...I tease I tease!

    Sirscrapalot - Picking on Red, an making him feel part of the family.

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