scrap metal gang!
I got a lead from a local spray foam insulation company. I asked them if they had and old 55gal drums for my scrap storage. A few days later I get a call back saying they have a gigantic supply and would love for me to take as many as I want before they start throwing them out.
The only downside is, they're filthy - like a hardened glue type epoxy all over the inside. Some better than others, but all really dirty. A lot of them do have lids though, which is an upside.
Anyone have any idea if theres any way to clean these? I would love to paint a few of them up and drop them off as scrap bins for some of my clients.
also a little background on my situation - I have a crown vic so I can only fit 1 barrel in the trunk and if I need more space I need to rent a trailer at $15/day because I dont have the money for my own yet. - The barrel location is about $10 away in gas
I dont think taking them for scrap would really be worth it $20+ for gas and they dont weigh much ($155/ton shred) and take up alot of space. But I know resale is there so maybe this should even be in the more than scrap value page.