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cpu memory worth anything?

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  1. #1
    HeavyMetalScrap201 started this thread.
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    Question cpu memory worth anything?

    I just recently started breaking down all my computers i been finding Vs. as just throwing them in the shred pile as in the past. what's the deal with these things, they even worth messing with? i have talked to a few local scrappers and gold buyers in the area stating it's not worth the time and effort, any info is very much appreciated.


    below is from today's find,

  2. #2
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Yes they are worth $$$$. Pretty much everything out of a cpu is worth something. Check the buyers section. They will pay more than a scrapyard will.

  3. #3
    HeavyMetalScrap201 started this thread.
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    thanks bud, i know more is better but from what i have here what do you think it's value is?

  4. #4
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    the ram without the heatsinks are about $12 a pound the ram with the metal heatsinks is about $4 to $6 a pound the green cpus with pins are about $4 a pound

  5. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    As will a bunch of buyers here...

    An whoever told you ram wasn't worth pulling an saving is lying to you. If you look at several buyer threads here you'll see their one of the highest pay outs.

    Never ask your yard about this stuff. They will tell you it's worth nothing, cause their trying to get over on you, or just plain don't know an are talking out of their backsides. Case in point..I had a yard down here by me, argue with me about there being a troy oz of gold in a computer. I told him I had some ocean front property to sell him in Az. /end rant

    I save ram, it pays well.

    Sirscrapalot - Kids. They're not easy. But there has to be some penalty for sex. - Bill Maher

  6. #6
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    you go to your scrap yard or any carbide scrap dealer or your local recycle station and they take metal.
    Call first, often they also require a minimum amount like 50pounds, but I suppose if you are just a kid, they may just give you the $1.50 so they don't feel like a jerk.

    If you've done the math, You are better off sorting through trash and getting the bottles/cans for recycling as 20 glass bottles=1laptop heatsink. And 20beer cans/bottles are much easier to obtain then a laptop.

    Or selling/donating the laptops whole (donations will give you a tax writeoff). Or selling it as-is on ebay for people who may randomly want to use yours for a project of some kind or as scrap parts.
    Reply to raytseng

    oh final note,
    Most places will consider a computer (or other electronics) e-waste.
    And charge you a fee to take it, rather then the other way around.

    You cannot just throw a computer into your trashcan it is not good for the environment.

    Although, there are places who will accept it for free (check your local recycling guide).
    Last edited by Mick; 02-28-2014 at 04:06 AM. Reason: deleted link to commercial site

  7. #7
    HeavyMetalScrap201 started this thread.
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    thanks for all the helpful advise i will take it all into consideration..

  8. #8
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    is this a joke lalitv74

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  10. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by travistemple202020 View Post
    is this a joke lalitv74
    I sure hope so. Telling someone to take their ewaste to a yard, or recycling center on a scrap metal forum with an entire section dedicated to recycling ewaste just plain silly. I'll leave out the small detail about how a lot of us do this for a living, an might possibly know what we're talking about...ok maybe I won't leave that out.

    Almost as silly as saying there is a oz of gold in every computer, or that ram has no value..

    Either way I got a good chuckle.

    Sirscrapalot - Taking it easy, an enjoying the day.

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  12. #10
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    SSA, Travis et al - take it all with a grain of salt. I edited out a link to a carbide recycling company from several posts.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  14. #11
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    1. na there not worth any thing..... send em to me ill even pay the freight.

    On a serious note: dude/dudete; do a little home work please before asking those kind of questions, when you have enough knowledge to ask a reasonable question many who have literally given their thousands of hours learning will be the first to help you including me.

    This question is an insult to the forum and its members. sorry to be so harsh but many of us here have put in years of study only to lose business to the hundreds every day who have not taken the time to study their craft and there by muding the waters. Our buy price continues to rise because the un educated in our chosen field pay too much while our buyers drop their prices.

    This forum has the info to give you a graduates degree in all scrap in a mater of a few hours of your time reading any thing you want to know about scrap of any kind + the best buyers are here on the buy sell thread.

    most any of us would love to know what scrap yard told you that about memory, one of the most valuable items in a computer so we could go down and turn them into our customer. creating a profit stream for both parties.

    This is a serious business please give it the effort you would any other profession
    millionaires have been created with the help of this forum and it's members.

    sorry for the rant but this needs to be said every so often it seems. just my .02 mcw
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  16. #12
    thebugguy is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I kinda feel a responsibility to chime in here...

    On the one hand, it's ok not to know stuff. We all start from scratch. Asking and answering questions is a large part of what this forum is about. I fully admit I've gained much more here than I've contributed.

    On the other hand, and not to be mean or confrontational or anything but... if you know enough to pick out and post a picture of pretty much the most valuable chunks of computer guts and then ask if they're worth anything, folks will have to wonder what your point is.

    I have to say, olddude's words ring true- this *is* serious business, and the info is out there if you care to look. I take his words to heart this evening because I myself have been more than a bit cavalier about the whole thing- "ha ha, look at my new hobby! I'm just goofing around with numbers- who cares anyway, right?". Well, yes, it's true- for me, e-scrap has been an incredibly fun and interesting learning experience and I take the *learning* seriously, but it doesn't represent my livelihood. In thinking about it a bit more, it *does* mean an awful lot to a lot of people who read these posts. It is, at best, disrespectful of me to take it so lightly and, at the worst, I'm taking other people's competitive edges and p*ssing them in the wind due to my nonchalance.

    Anyway, all this is to say that, in retrospect, I get what olddude's trying to say. For a lot of folks this isn't a game, and your pictures and questions kinda sorta make it look like one. If you want to see a real score, check out Scrap man's thread: . THAT is impressive.


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  18. #13
    HeavyMetalScrap201 started this thread.
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    e-scrap is all new to me and i been getting tons of mixed advise, i will just stock pile like i do my copper and brass and give you a update in next few months. happy trails heading out to do some metal detecting

  19. #14
    NJSouth is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I'm new to the E-Scrap world too but I've saved ALL of it. I tear everything down, scrap the metal and save all the pretty green parts. Just tore down an old iMac computer that had BLUE boards. Pretty cool. Everyone on here has been THE best advice I've found and I appreciate this board. Stick with it!!

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