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cpu memory worth anything?

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  1. #11
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    1. na there not worth any thing..... send em to me ill even pay the freight.

    On a serious note: dude/dudete; do a little home work please before asking those kind of questions, when you have enough knowledge to ask a reasonable question many who have literally given their thousands of hours learning will be the first to help you including me.

    This question is an insult to the forum and its members. sorry to be so harsh but many of us here have put in years of study only to lose business to the hundreds every day who have not taken the time to study their craft and there by muding the waters. Our buy price continues to rise because the un educated in our chosen field pay too much while our buyers drop their prices.

    This forum has the info to give you a graduates degree in all scrap in a mater of a few hours of your time reading any thing you want to know about scrap of any kind + the best buyers are here on the buy sell thread.

    most any of us would love to know what scrap yard told you that about memory, one of the most valuable items in a computer so we could go down and turn them into our customer. creating a profit stream for both parties.

    This is a serious business please give it the effort you would any other profession
    millionaires have been created with the help of this forum and it's members.

    sorry for the rant but this needs to be said every so often it seems. just my .02 mcw

    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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