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Green as Grass. Questions

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  1. #1
    Lonewolf83 started this thread.
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    Green as Grass. Questions

    I am new to this so cut me some slack if I sound Green, which I know I will. I have been saving metals and want to eventually get cash for them. However, I am having trouble differentiating the different metals apart. Obviously I can identify copper. But after taking apart household items I don't know if I have aluminum, steel or any other ferrous metal or non-ferrous metal. If I take all this stuff to the yard are they going to separate it and weight it? Is it one of those things where I drop it off and leave it to the experts? Or am I expected to know and is it up to me to make sure I don't throw aluminum into the steel pile? Don't want to get ripped off. Should I trust the yard? Please help

  2. #2
    Tjsleeper's Avatar
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    I'm pretty new to this as well, but the one tool you must have is a magnet. If the magnet sticks to the metal it goes in the shread pile. Granted you maybe able to break a ferrous piece off of a non-ferrous piece to maximize your return. If it looks like it is different metals on the piece just try your magnet on the different pieces. From the veterans if I said anything wrong please let me know.

  3. #3
    brandon's Avatar
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    Get a magnet, if it sticks it goes in one pile if it don't put it in another pile. You said you know how to tell copper, so obviously that goes in a pile of its own. Next is brass, aluminum and stainless steel. Brass will be of simular color of copper but brittle and break when you hit it several times with a hammer. Aluminum and stainless to some are difficult to tell apart, aluminum and stainless are both silvery white metals, ali can be cast, sheet or extruded, all will be easy to scratch with a screw driver, stainless is usually in sheet form but not always and will not scratch easily with a screwdriver. First and formost, get a magnet.
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  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Do not trust the yard, it's a busy place and they usually don't have time to babysit. The answers are here. if you drop it all at once then they will pay you for the lowest denominator or usually steel/tin. (or what we call shred) Use a magnet and a grinder and you can figure out the different metals. Color can help. so can weight. You have to know what the basic metals are, some are too expensive for the manufacturers to use. If you have just a handful then save it up till you have enough to make it worthwhile.
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  6. #5
    jw7783's Avatar
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    My yard basically leaves it up to me to separate, like 1 time i just stacked all my radiators up (not thinking there were different kinds) and they just gave me the lowest fin price for them, even though some were Copper some brass some AL. But shred they just weigh you and no one follows you or really watches to see what you are unloading.

  7. #6
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    LOL. Last time I took a load in by myself the guy looks in back, drools and says "you can leave that all back here if you want"...back at the first stop to the shred pile.

    I just laughed...and I gave him credit for trying...I may be a woman...and blonde, but I'm not that blonde.

    Had a 5 gallon full of brass, 2 others full of copper, and a bunch of aluminum sorted.

    Learn your metals, because most of the time they won't tell you.

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  9. #7
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    You need to read the old threads that pertain to the diffrant metals. Too many kinds to tell you here in one post. You said you know what copper is but do you know the diffrant kinds/grades of copper? There is Bare Bright,#1,#2,#3 they all pay diffrant and the yard wants them seperated. Don't quote me on these prices I'm using them as examples Bare bright (BB) is 3.00 #1is 2.50 #2 is 2.40 #3(insulated) .95 If you mix them all together you will get the lower price because the yard will have to pay somebody to seperate them out. Aluminum is the same way Sheet,cast, extruted one price if it is clean of all other metals and a lesser price if it has other metals like steel screws in it. A magnet is a scrappers best friend, if you have a peice of metal that the magnet won't stick to take a grinder or a file and scratch the finish if it's yellow it's brass, if it's silver hit it with a grinder if it sparks it's stainless steel (SS) if no sparks then it's most likely aluminum. There's just to much to go into here but I hope this helps a little. When you go to the yard don't be afraid to ask questions but don't be a pain in the neck and ask 100 questions when other people are waiting to sell their scrap.

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  11. #8
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Pretty much covered it above^^.

    Stainless will scratch aluminum but aluminum won't scratch stainless.
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  13. #9
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    Just to add to what happy said, not all yards grade the same or have multiple grades. Most buy copper as bare brite, #1, and #2. Same with wire. If you havent been to a yard before this is what I would do. Take a sample of what you have and visit them. Go mid week when its slow and after 9am and before noon. Always busy early a.m and who likes to be bothered during lunch?
    Ask the scale guy how they would grade your samples. Write down what he tells you and go back to your pile and sort according to what he said. Now you will have at least a starting point to go from.

    Never be afraid to ask questions if you have material that you don't know what it is. Also by having a sorted load every time you go there they will quickly remember you and may even grade some material higher than what it should be or may not pick out a few things that may have slipped into the wrong bucket. Make it easy for them and you will be treated much differently than the guy who unloads his back seat into a bin and lets them do all the work.

    Your best bet is to do what was said above. Read, read , read the old threads and soon you may know as much or more than the scale man
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  15. #10
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    A couple things to add...Learn to distinguish whether your aluminum is cast, extruded (different alloys), sheet (siding painted/unpainted), because there is a price difference. Also, in regards to having a magnet, don't just rely on a regular magnet (those you use for your fridge pictures, or pulled from a motor), I always carry a neodymium (2 actually stuck together) on my utility knife. You can either A. Buy them on eBay or B. Take them from PC hard drives (the way I prefer). Just be careful when prying them from the nickel plated brackets (save those also!), because you want the magnets to maintain their own nickel cover....otherwise, they'll deteriorate over time. These magnets will allow you to determine pretty quickly if stainless is truly stainless or a lesser grade that a ferrous magnet won't stick to (again, there are different alloys of stainless). Just be caruful with them.....they are VERY strong when you have a bunch together.....and when they pinch if your messing around with them, they don't hold back.....that's just what I've been told.
    Oh....1 more thing to learning, I concur With the posts above....Google is your friend when it comes to scrapping!

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