Want or need? Sounds like you just want it to want it. An you don't need it to scrap. so again sounds like a want. Chalk it up for something to get with your scrap money when you get it saved up. Not the popular answer, but it's an honest one.
An second..why does it have to be a truck? You are aware you can increase capacity with a mini-van, full van, etc right? They can also be found a lot cheaper. Yea, trucks are great. Carry a lot, look spiffy, etc. Looking good won't fill it with scrap, an you can carry more with a van/trailer, or even your car/trailer. (Not carry as much as a truck..I worded that funny)
Or like the other said, get a beater. Unless your hauling cars with that truck on a trailer I fail to see why you need something brand new, to load scrap into. Just make you all pissy when you scratch it up. An before all of you jump on me about looking professional an singing the joys of a 18K truck...remember, he's not doing this full time.
Then again what do I know, I'm just a one man crew with a mini-van who hauls everything from water heaters, an other assorted crap day in an day out.

Oh an it doesn't need to look pretty, it just needs to get the job done. Think outside the box, it's the only way to succeed in this game.
Sirscrapalot - If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. - Bruce Lee