DIY: Electric Motors!
Treadmill Motors: There's a cool use for a treadmill motor, i made a wind generator out of one, put out 14v so i added a battery and a wall outlet. Apparently, if you reverse the motion of the motor, it puts out electricity rather than consume it. Unfortunately, i sold the generator, so i have no images.
Vacuum Cleaner Motors: Even though there are not many useful things for this type of motor, its good as scrap value. These motors have a high RPM, making them pretty limited for usage and to change the RPM, you need a voltage regulator, which are pretty pricey. One project is a hovercraft. Never built one but found one on youtube. Ever notice the sound similarity in routing tables and vacuum cleaners? They are practically the same motor, but with different mounting styles.
Sewing Machine Motors: Urg, sewing machines. Even though they are mostly waste due to hard plaster construction, the motors are very useful. They are made to have good torque, and have a pedal to regulate speed. Most come with mounting hardware making it easy to mount to 2x4's. Some uses i have seen are electric scooter motors, motors to move the tv out of a hidden space, really anything you can think of! They are the most practical electric motor to be reused.
Fan Motors: Fan motors have a few uses, but not normal ones. Fan motors have OK speed but very low torque. Infact you can stop the fan with your hand at any speed. I have used one on a go-kart, Idk why, but i did it. I also used one to ravel my fishing line off of my fishing reels. They tend to overheat quick so with that said, there are limited uses.