It's not uncommon for a poster asking the same old familiar questions to be directed to the search function and sometimes that person may say "I tried to search, but couldn't find what I needed." Well, I want to tell you all about a very positive experience I've just had using the search function. I picked up a box full of railroad spikes (maybe 50 pounds) from the curb this weekend and got to wondering if I really could scrap them without hassles. I remembered reading about how protective the railroads are of their "stuff" on the right-of-way, and I couldn't prove that I hadn't taken them from railroad property, so... Let me tell you, a simple search for "railroad spikes" yielded a load of informative threads that both put me at ease (too small an amount for the yard to likely fuss about) and presented other ideas about railroad scrap, gaining access, etc.
I've not seen the search function praised here very much so I want to offer thanks to the forum admins for having put a good one in place, and thanks to everyone who has had anything to say about those railroad spikes!