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Any tips on scrapping a 2001 Pontiac Montana? - Page 2

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  1. #21
    jw7783 started this thread.
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    So I'm going to talk to her about price today. Highest offer she had was $250 sight unseen from a website, but requires title which she doesn't have.
    To go get one, its about 3-4 hours of waiting and $25. Also, it takes about 2 weeks to get it.
    So, with all that, I think $200 cash for it would be fair right? I'm going to put a "downpayment" on it today, so just seeing if this sounds good. Still registered so it can be driven to my house. She needs the $$ by Memorial Day which shouldn't be an issue, however I am only 18 so I don't have a ton of extra cash floating around. And worst comes to worst, I cut it up and haul it in as-is

  2. #22
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Not sure I would give her any money until you you show up to take it...amazing how people, places and things drop off the face of the earth in a blink of an eye. If money is tight you might want to concentrate on getting that old car frame in the other thread instead of this.
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  4. #23
    jw7783 started this thread.
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    Well she's my girlfriend's mom so I don't think she'll go too far haha I didn't have the means to get that car and the guy wanted it gone fast. Wish I could've, hopefully getting another truck soon to use for trailer

  5. #24
    cgraz1187's Avatar
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    The number will be engraved on the widest side of the loaf, the side that's showing in the picture. Take a regular wire brush and scrape that side, don't use a wheel or it will take the number right off.

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  7. #25
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgraz1187 View Post
    The number will be engraved on the widest side of the loaf, the side that's showing in the picture. Take a regular wire brush and scrape that side, don't use a wheel or it will take the number right off.
    Yep. This is a fact! +1 on this advice!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  9. #26
    jw7783 started this thread.
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    Thanks! I'll make sure to check it out as soon as I can

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