Originally Posted by
I agree with everyone. If you got the space, and they are free, I would jump at the chance. There is plenty of money to be made and there are many excellent buyers right here.
You said you would like to find a buyer but you don't give anyone a location area. Just look in the buyers thread and choose one close to you. All the knowledge is right here for the taking. good luck
As soon as everything is official, I'll post info and start looking for an
e-scrap person. Don't have all the i's dotted and t's crossed yet.
Originally Posted by
I say sell off the printers as a load, and keep the computers to break down. You will have more plastic than you know what to do with after tearing into that many printers.
I was thinking the same thing.
Originally Posted by
Also on the printers, don't forget about the print cartridges. They can be sold to places online that will pay for the cartridges and shipping.
Unfortunately, I've been told that the cartridges are probably gone. Otherwise, I'd be all over that.