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  1. #1
    bigfoot started this thread.
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    Craigslist Ads - No Calls, is it time to give up?

    I have had no calls posting ads in the "for sale" section of Craigslist (EXCEPT THE FREE SECTION)

    Last night, I did a little experiment to see how people would respond to my ads.

    1. I posted a Canon EOS Rebel T2 FE28-90 in the free section, to see what would happen. Few minutes later, I was FLOODED with calls.
    I got so many calls I had to take down posting and my typical response was that "I already gave it away to someone else".

    2. Then an hour later, I reposted the same camera in the ELECTRONICS section, and this time for 5 bucks.

    The result? No calls. Common really???? It's ONLY 5 bucks!!! And you still are not willing to pay for it?

    Here is my listing:

    Based on the results, I am coming to the conclusion that people on Craigslist want EVERYTHING for free, and don't want to have to pay a single dime for it.
    Last edited by bigfoot; 05-25-2014 at 05:54 AM.

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  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I don't buy or sell on craigs list very often but I tend to be suspicious of "too good to be true" ads. On the surface the ad you linked to would make wonder what the "catch" was. I would think that a "new" camera with those features would be worth far more than $5. I'm not sure of others but I would pass on your ad because I have been had before. I was contacted on an ad I had placed and it became obvious that I my email account was all that was of interest. Shortly after I was overwhelmed with junk emails.

    This is just my reasoning for why I would not bite on your for sale ad. On the free ad I would think anything that is free must be a bargain. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    I don't buy or sell on craigs list very often but I tend to be suspicious of "too good to be true" ads. On the surface the ad you linked to would make wonder what the "catch" was. I would think that a "new" camera with those features would be worth far more than $5. I'm not sure of others but I would pass on your ad because I have been had before. I was contacted on an ad I had placed and it became obvious that I my email account was all that was of interest. Shortly after I was overwhelmed with junk emails.

    This is just my reasoning for why I would not bite on your for sale ad. On the free ad I would think anything that is free must be a bargain. Mike.
    I agree, a brand new camera for $5? There's either something very wrong with it or it's stolen meaning you're a thief which means it wouldn't be safe to meet up with you to get it. Whereas if it was free than how could you be a thief? Thieves don't steal things just to give away.

    I like your experiment but I would try it again with a more reasonable ad. I wouldn't be surprised if you just used the same ad and raised the price to something more reasonable and got responses then. Maybe even add in a backstory like you bought it for a photography class but then had to back out so now you just need to sell it.
    Last edited by src3collector; 05-25-2014 at 09:17 AM. Reason: misspelling

  6. #4
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Post it on Evilbay for an opening bid of the price you can live with, but sell it as local pickup only. You'll get a lot more interest.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
    Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
    5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329

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  8. #5
    CoachDomCosta's Avatar
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    This is no big secret and I will share but I have not been to the dump for years-Just put out just about anything in ANY condition on my parkway with a photo of course in a CL ad in the FREE section and it gets gone in 24 hours or less typically!

  9. #6
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    i think patience and a bit more research into pricing and ads that reflect the best titles and things is something good for you to do if your having trouble cl is a pacific markets driven thing so expanding to other areas is a good thing to try as well

  10. #7
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    CL is pretty unproductive for me. Facebook works better for local sales. Signed up for all the local junking, yardsale and craft groups.

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