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  1. #1
    scrapme is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    copper coated wire (various types),loose & in motors & yard questions

    This has been covered in previous posts, which I read through. Just want to confirm what I believe I understand and maybe add a few questions.

    Copper coated: copper coating on outside
    aluminum wire
    tin, steel and other,
    magnetic copper covered wires all go into #2 copper bucket

    Enamel coated copper: copper under coating (cannot see)
    blue, green, red colored wires also go in #2 copper bucket
    Yard termed this 'enamel coated'

    Have I understood what I've read at SMF correctly??

    Electric motors with enamel coated wire (unstripped) too small to strip. such as blue wire.
    Are these still ok as electric motors, or does the enamel wire cause a downgrade?

    Yard says coated copper wire is NOT #2 coppper
    How can I persuade them differently??? (reading at SMF, I believe they're wrong)

    My fear:
    If I mix the coated wires in #2 bucket (as I believe is correct to do), yard could downgrade entire bucket
    If keep separate and bring to their attn., could also downgrade because they say 'enamel' is worth less
    It seems being unsure/hesitant opens the opportunity for them to downgrade just cause the question is posed to them!
    Leaning twd mixing.

    #1 copper piping (only have a short pipe) pays different than copper wire?
    Have some #1 sink faucet pipes and some wire thicker than pencil lead. But not a lg. volume.
    Yes, it is separated from the other copper grade.

    If you've made it this far, thanks for your patience! I am probably ovrthinking this, but I am nervous!! Like everyone at SMF a lot of work has gone into stripping, accumulating, etc. and I need to make the very most of what I have as a small-time recycler/scrapper. Using a car & garage as my workspace, but very thankful for this opportunity of getting paid for scrap metals is available!

    May edit this post if I think of more related questions, instead of starting a new post.

  2. #2
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    I'll answer based on yards in my area:

    This has been covered in previous posts, which I read through. Just want to confirm what I believe I understand and maybe add a few questions.

    Copper coated: copper coating on outside
    aluminum wire
    tin, steel and other,
    magnetic copper covered wires all go into #2 copper bucket NO!!!!!

    Enamel coated copper: copper under coating (cannot see)
    blue, green, red colored wires also go in #2 copper bucket
    Yard termed this 'enamel coated' YES

    Have I understood what I've read at SMF correctly??

    Electric motors with enamel coated wire (unstripped) too small to strip. such as blue wire.
    Are these still ok as electric motors, or does the enamel wire cause a downgrade?

    Need to ask your yard. shouldn't downgrade it Check with your yard. One of mine is now checking all motors for aluminum windings and will not buy these as motors, but as dirty aluminum

    Yard says coated copper wire is NOT #2 coppper
    How can I persuade them differently??? (reading at SMF, I believe they're wrong)

    You can't

    My fear:
    If I mix the coated wires in #2 bucket (as I believe is correct to do), yard could downgrade entire bucket
    If keep separate and bring to their attn., could also downgrade because they say 'enamel' is worth less
    It seems being unsure/hesitant opens the opportunity for them to downgrade just cause the question is posed to them!
    Leaning twd mixing.

    #1 copper piping (only have a short pipe) pays different than copper wire?
    Have some #1 sink faucet pipes and some wire thicker than pencil lead. But not a lg. volume.
    Yes, it is separated from the other copper grade.

    Depends on yard

    If you've made it this far, thanks for your patience! I am probably ovrthinking this, but I am nervous!! Like everyone at SMF a lot of work has gone into stripping, accumulating, etc. and I need to make the very most of what I have as a small-time recycler/scrapper. Using a car & garage as my workspace, but very thankful for this opportunity of getting paid for scrap metals is available!

    May edit this post if I think of more related questions, instead of starting a new post.

    Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:

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  4. #3
    scrapme is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Thanks, Mthomasdev for replying! Everytime I think I have something figured out, I end up with more questions!!

    So, the very magnetic copper coated wire (can see the copper coat clearly) but underlying metal is very magnetic …. what bucket - shred, correct?
    What about aluminum coppper coated wire, believe I read #2 bucket? Wire that's copper coated and only very slightly magnetic in #2 also, right??

    Will add the enamel coated copper wire to the #2 copper bucket. Thx

    The electric motors I'll leave together for now and see what the yard says.
    Just nervous about "surprises" and if I'll be able to think quickly enough to maximize money on the spot at the yard, if they try to downgrade.

    The reason I asked about convincing the yard is because I read here on SMF about talking with them about why a metal should be in a certain catagory. Basically being ready to explain/justify the reasoning for why metals should be allowed in a certain bucket. Just trying to increase chances of metals being paid on correctly. But it is always the yard that has the final say, I understand that. Thx again~

  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapme View Post
    Copper coated: copper coating on outside, aluminum wire, tin, steel and other,
    magnetic copper covered wires all go into #2 copper bucket.

    Enamel coated copper: copper under coating (cannot see)
    blue, green, red colored wires also go in #2 copper bucket
    Yard termed this 'enamel coated'
    That is varnished and could be copper or alum. under it.

    Electric motors with enamel coated wire (unstripped) too small to strip. such as blue wire.
    Are these still ok as electric motors, or does the enamel wire cause a downgrade?
    Depends on your yard, might have to find a different one.

    Yard says coated copper wire is NOT #2 coppper
    How can I persuade them differently??? (reading at SMF, I believe they're wrong)
    Your wanting them to pay you for your stuff, they make the rules, good or bad.

    My fear:
    If I mix the coated wires in #2 bucket (as I believe is correct to do), yard could downgrade entire bucket
    If keep separate and bring to their attn., could also downgrade because they say 'enamel' is worth less
    It seems being unsure/hesitant opens the opportunity for them to downgrade just cause the question is posed to them!
    Leaning twd mixing.

    #1 copper piping (only have a short pipe) pays different than copper wire?
    Have some #1 sink faucet pipes and some wire thicker than pencil lead. But not a lg. volume.
    Yes, it is separated from the other copper grade.
    At my yard they throw the pipe in the #2 bucket, cause usually it's dirty.

    If it's magnetic in any way then it's not copper and should not be in the "2 bucket.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  7. #5
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapme View Post
    Thanks, Mthomasdev for replying! Everytime I think I have something figured out, I end up with more questions!!

    So, the very magnetic copper coated wire (can see the copper coat clearly) but underlying metal is very magnetic …. what bucket - shred, correct?
    What about aluminum coppper coated wire, believe I read #2 bucket? Wire that's copper coated and only very slightly magnetic in #2 also, right??

    Will add the enamel coated copper wire to the #2 copper bucket. Thx

    The electric motors I'll leave together for now and see what the yard says.
    Just nervous about "surprises" and if I'll be able to think quickly enough to maximize money on the spot at the yard, if they try to downgrade.

    The reason I asked about convincing the yard is because I read here on SMF about talking with them about why a metal should be in a certain catagory. Basically being ready to explain/justify the reasoning for why metals should be allowed in a certain bucket. Just trying to increase chances of metals being paid on correctly. But it is always the yard that has the final say, I understand that. Thx again~
    Trying to justify is great, but if you're sure your right and they won't budge, you can always try another yard. You don't HAVE to sell to them and they don't HAVE to buy from you. Do what you feel is right. If you go to another few yards and they ALL tell you the same thing, then they're probably right. If you go to another yard and they're not as pushy, congrats, you found your new yard.
    "Don't try to be a great man, just be a man. Let history make its own judgments"

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  9. #6
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapme View Post
    So, the very magnetic copper coated wire (can see the copper coat clearly) but underlying metal is very magnetic …. what bucket - shred, correct?
    Are you talking about the yolks that come from televisions? Copper wire wrapped around a chunk of ferrite? If so... smash them with a hammer and get your copper. If not, sorry I misunderstood...
    ~You have to start somewhere to get anywhere~

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  11. #7
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Smashing yokes is a lot of fun. Make it easy on yourself an put it on a blanket/towel/something before you smash tho. Makes the clean up so much easier. An the Ferrite goes with shred, lest at my yard.

    Like Red above...disregard if your not talking yokes, or don't do tvs. lol.

    Sirscrapalot - "People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs." - Unknown..but funny.

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  13. #8
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Smashing yokes is a lot of fun. Make it easy on yourself an put it on a blanket/towel/something before you smash tho. Makes the clean up so much easier. An the Ferrite goes with shred, lest at my yard.
    ...or put them in an old pillow case...

  14. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    that to. I use a box with a sheet. Old sheets, an blankets. I get them all the time for free from yard sales an such as part of taking everything.

    My box is just a wood box I picked up somewhere. nothing special. Put a sheet, smash with a hammer, or something heavy, yank out copper, run magnet when done with the box, pull out what I can/want, pull out any insulated wire, etc dispose of leftover plastic and glue.

    Either way it makes for some good fun for me!

    Sirscrapalot - smashy mcsmasher

  15. #10
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapme View Post
    Thanks, Mthomasdev for replying! Everytime I think I have something figured out, I end up with more questions!!

    So, the very magnetic copper coated wire (can see the copper coat clearly) but underlying metal is very magnetic …. what bucket - shred, correct?
    What about aluminum coppper coated wire, believe I read #2 bucket? Wire that's copper coated and only very slightly magnetic in #2 also, right??

    Will add the enamel coated copper wire to the #2 copper bucket. Thx

    The electric motors I'll leave together for now and see what the yard says.
    Just nervous about "surprises" and if I'll be able to think quickly enough to maximize money on the spot at the yard, if they try to downgrade.

    The reason I asked about convincing the yard is because I read here on SMF about talking with them about why a metal should be in a certain catagory. Basically being ready to explain/justify the reasoning for why metals should be allowed in a certain bucket. Just trying to increase chances of metals being paid on correctly. But it is always the yard that has the final say, I understand that. Thx again~
    Very magnetic copper coated wire - Shred bucket

    aluminum copper coated wire - sheet aluminum

    copper coated, only very slightly magnetic - Shred, unless you can convince the yard copper bearing, but highly doubt it.

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