This has been covered in previous posts, which I read through. Just want to confirm what I believe I understand and maybe add a few questions.
Copper coated: copper coating on outside
aluminum wire
tin, steel and other,
magnetic copper covered wires all go into #2 copper bucket
Enamel coated copper: copper under coating (cannot see)
blue, green, red colored wires also go in #2 copper bucket
Yard termed this 'enamel coated'
Have I understood what I've read at SMF correctly??
Electric motors with enamel coated wire (unstripped) too small to strip. such as blue wire.
Are these still ok as electric motors, or does the enamel wire cause a downgrade?
Yard says coated copper wire is NOT #2 coppper
How can I persuade them differently??? (reading at SMF, I believe they're wrong)
My fear:
If I mix the coated wires in #2 bucket (as I believe is correct to do), yard could downgrade entire bucket
If keep separate and bring to their attn., could also downgrade because they say 'enamel' is worth less
It seems being unsure/hesitant opens the opportunity for them to downgrade just cause the question is posed to them!
Leaning twd mixing.
#1 copper piping (only have a short pipe) pays different than copper wire?
Have some #1 sink faucet pipes and some wire thicker than pencil lead. But not a lg. volume.
Yes, it is separated from the other copper grade.
If you've made it this far, thanks for your patience! I am probably ovrthinking this, but I am nervous!! Like everyone at SMF a lot of work has gone into stripping, accumulating, etc. and I need to make the very most of what I have as a small-time recycler/scrapper. Using a car & garage as my workspace, but very thankful for this opportunity of getting paid for scrap metals is available!
May edit this post if I think of more related questions, instead of starting a new post.