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  1. #1
    CoachDomCosta started this thread.
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    Don't Get Complacent!!! Call For the Best Price ALWAYS!!!

    Totally My Bad!!! I know I am tying myself to the proverbial whipping post on this, but I wanted to help put a little more money in my fellow scrappers pockets this week. I live and scrap in the L.A. Harbor area of Southern California, and am blessed to have many, many scrap/recycling centers. For the past year (that's right a YEAR!)I went to my regular spot and collected the cash! I had done my comparison shopping a year back as well and I grew comfortable going there and ASSUMED (you know what you get when you spell A-S-S-U-M-E) I was getting top price per pound. Wrong! I make videos of my scrap runs for my high school Life Skills classes to see on YouTube and a gentlemen in Melbourne, Australia pointed out that what I was getting for tin (3-5 cents per pound was a BIT low-ya think?!?!?!?) Needless to say I got double (10 cents) on my next run and cleared $100+!!! Lesson learned and will let my fingers do the walking before EVERY load!!! Make that money kids!!!!! Mea culpa maxima!!!!

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  3. #2
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Amen brother preach on . A little research just tripled your profit margin . If you made any contacts thru that yard in the last year . Tell them you will buy their prepped loads and continue to double triple your money .

    Keep working smarter , not harder . I won't rip you . It took a little time but imagine if you remained ignorant to fair pricing for another year or decade . Actually don't it's a sad though after all !

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  5. #3
    sledge's Avatar
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    I think we all are guilty of getting complacent from time to time. We get a load.. and we already are figuring the day we head to our yard to cash out.
    I fell upon this lesson recently because my "normal yard" that I took my non-ferrous too.. wizzed me off. Luckily my core buyer had begun taking that same material (which they had not in the past) and now I clear a lot better profit.. without being insulted by the yard that "got too big for his britches!"
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  7. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I always call before heading to the yard. No, If's, and's or but's about it.

    Even tho I know my main yard will be higher in just about every category, I still call before going.

    Never know!

    Good advice, good post.

    Sirscrapalot - I approve this tip.

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  9. #5
    HollandScotts's Avatar
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    I call the three yards in my area at least once a week to confirm prices and determine which one to go to.

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