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Getting what you deserve at scrap yard (keep them honest) - Page 2

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  1. #21
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Haha. If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's probably a scrap yard.

  2. #22
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    It helps to have a good relationship with the yard you deal with......Honestly just happy to be able to get rid of alot of the waste product generated by ewaste

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  4. #23
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Im one of maybe 3 people in a city of 1/4 million+ residents who understands and knows computer scrapping. The yards are rediculous when it comes to hard-drives without boards. The yard I take my non-ewaste to was buying my hard-drives as dirty cast for a year. I took 40lbs with me last week, some new joe-blow working the scale didnt know what a HDD was. I explained to him its been bought as dirty cast for as long as I have been scraping them. He goes and gets the girl I usually deal with, and she said she needed to see the inside of it. I showed here a google picture because I didnt bring a T6 bit with me to tear the cover off one. So now, they wouldnt buy them.... I said "whats going on with you guys? For 7yrs I have brought my scrap to yall!!! Ill start sending this stuff out of state if yall are going to start being like this!" loaded them back in my truck and sold the rest of my non-ferrous reefers, wire, etc. Really irritating. But now that Gorven is offering that killer price and free shipping on SATA drives, all of them are going to be going to him now!

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to aaron p for This Post:

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