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  1. #1
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Storage: Outdoor carport gazebo. What do you use or want to use for storage.


    In order to keep items out of the sun and rain. I have decided that I will purchase this outdoor carport gazebo:

    New Outdoor 33'x20'Heavy Duty Portable Carport Gazebo Canopy Wedding Tent Garage | eBay

    Does anyone else have any other recommendations for an outdoor tent. This one seemed to be pretty heavy duty, all galvanized steel connectors and good tarp. Made to be outside for a long time.

    If you dont use a tent what is your preferred method of storage or where do you plan to store items in the future: storage unit, warehouse, garage only, other?

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  3. #2
    pjost's Avatar
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    Where are you located? The tent looks nice, but it wouldn't survive one winter here in the Dakotas.
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  5. #3
    sledge's Avatar
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    What is my deepest desire you ask?
    Something like this would do!
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  7. #4
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjost View Post
    Where are you located? The tent looks nice, but it wouldn't survive one winter here in the Dakotas.
    California, it should be fine but, gets windy sometime, not often though.

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  9. #5
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    What is my deepest desire you ask?
    Something like this would do!
    Good choice you should put that on your new property when you get it. If it was the same price as the tent I would definitely get it.

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  11. #6
    Hurrikane is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Me, I could care less if my scrap is exposed to the weather. I have holes drilled into the bottoms of my bins to let water out. I actually like having stuff get rained on. It helps wash off who knows what is on/in the stuff. All computers get broken down outside and the boards and other things get tossed in a barrel of water overnight to kill any fleas or bedbugs or cockroaches(before doing this I had a huge spider jump out at me when pulling a heatsink off a cpu and shreaked like a 4 year old girl) then I take stuff inside for further processing and sorting like cpu/motherboards/finger cards. I process stuff pretty quickly and store the boards and high dollar stuff inside. To make a long story short, no tarp or tent for me.

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  13. #7
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    An old grain bin was cut in half to use as a cutting place out of the weather. After cutting it in half it was turned it on its side to provide protection. Other than this shelter, most of the work is done with nature. I would love to have a place to do the non ferrous out of the weather. Guess the choice is better clothes or a building. Clothes are cheaper. At my age, shelter is not a wise investment. Just another perspective. As Pjost stated, a tent would not last very long in our area.

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  15. #8
    beardo is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Storage: Outdoor carport gazebo. What do you use or want to use for storage.

    Depending on your local laws and situation and all that, old semi box trailers or box trucks/ school buses are cheaper than most sheds.
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    beardo is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Storage: Outdoor carport gazebo. What do you use or want to use for storage.

    I would just like to point out 3 of commenters on this post are from Sodak!!!!!

    Another option is building a shed out of pallets and then putting on tin siding. I have seen some of these that are nicer than the large prefab sheds.

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  19. #10
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    They have "tent" plans and kits, one plan you can use larger pvc pipe (with elbows, angles) and I know I've seen just the tarp cover for them. I had a friend built his own with pvc and used it at a big flea market.
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  21. #11
    saturninin is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Storage: Outdoor carport gazebo. What do you use or want to use for storage.

    was using one here in Northwest Indiana for cover on our boat and when we got hit by snow and wind and all that.... it became scrap.....

  22. #12
    snapperhead is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Make sure it is well secured to the ground if it gets windy at times in your location. Add extra ropes and peg it down well all around the perimeter.
    On a windy day, the pressure on the top of it will try and push the centre of it down (which would bend the trellis roof frame and could cause it to collapse). So if you could get some timber posts in the ground running through the centre line of the structure, fix a rail on top that the tent frame could both rest on and be tied to, it will last much longer in stormy weather.

    Those structures are only designed to be used for a few days at a time and only in fair weather conditions, but with some posts set in the ground inside on each corner, and some centre line support (stop it both sagging and lifting off), you could make it last as long as the cover material holds out.

    For the money you are spending, its worth adding a bit more to make it last.
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  23. #13
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hurrikane View Post
    Me, I could care less if my scrap is exposed to the weather. I have holes drilled into the bottoms of my bins to let water out. I actually like having stuff get rained on. It helps wash off who knows what is on/in the stuff. All computers get broken down outside and the boards and other things get tossed in a barrel of water overnight to kill any fleas or bedbugs or cockroaches(before doing this I had a huge spider jump out at me when pulling a heatsink off a cpu and shreaked like a 4 year old girl) then I take stuff inside for further processing and sorting like cpu/motherboards/finger cards. I process stuff pretty quickly and store the boards and high dollar stuff inside. To make a long story short, no tarp or tent for me.
    Its not so much to protect scrap, its more for protecting resell items for the swapmeet (fleamarket) and for electronics that still work. Stuff gets damaged so quick in the sun and rain.

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  25. #14
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Looks like something you would have an outdoor banquet in. Could you build something from scrap lumber? We build a side porch area with mostly scrap that my father in law found.... Also that tent is BIG 33' x 20' x 10.5' Wow

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  27. #15
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Looks like something you would have an outdoor banquet in. Could you build something from scrap lumber? We build a side porch area with mostly scrap that my father in law found.... Also that tent is BIG 33' x 20' x 10.5' Wow
    I thought about that but, the idea behind the tent was that we will use it for a couple of years and then when we get our new place we can take it with us. Yes its advertised as a carport tent or banquet tent. I like the galvanized steel frame and steel connectors as well. I was planning on covering the windows on the sides with paper or plastic.

    I thought about building one out of scrap wood but I would still need to buy cement for the post, metal connectors, and roofing material. Its a big structure Im sure I could build it but, it would take more time and still cost $$$

  28. #16
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    95% free I had to buy shingles everything else came out of construction dumpsters. The siding was free from a building contractor who over bought as he was doing 108 units and waiting around for material was not in his game plan. window from my grandmothers house and the door from my fathers pile. This is only for winter/ slightly pre winter storage other than that it's stored everywhere, out on the back 40, across the street, 1200 sq foot basement is packed to the ceilings. lol
    Oh yeah got my new cap in the pick too just needs a little paint.
    Edit: You are correct about time, It took around five years to accumulate enough material to consider this project. 12 ft lumber and sheets of plywood don't get tossed out to frequently.
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 08-21-2014 at 02:01 PM.
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  30. #17
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    Bolt it to some concrete slabs or weigh it down with cinder blocks. Had something smaller like that once upon a time, it got some serious altitude in a thunderstorm, the anchors they usually come with aren't worth crap.

    Use the carport and shed mostly, some stuff in the garage...I try to keep it to a min under the carport though...don't like moving it and finding the occasional snake waiting to greet me.

  31. #18
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    NHscrapman, thats a really nice shed and it was mostly recycled material! I built an 8ft x 8ft front porch out of recycled pallets which turned out pretty good. I know I can build a shed but, I 20ft x 30ft shed is a little more work than I would like to do on my own.

    Curbside shopper, I have a smaller tent for our car and I put each leg through a cinder block which seems to hold the tent down pretty good. I plan to do the same for the new tent.

  32. #19
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    I have a shelter from Costco and love it.
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  34. #20
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    I have a shelter from Costco and love it.
    Alright, Im not the only one that likes tents!

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