As you know I'm on a sandbar an a bit different from everyone else because of my location. Having said that..
1. Do I get my fair share of the market? Yes, i would say so. There are a few who do the
ewaste here but not many. An none full time other then myself that I know of. It's a small sandbar an word travels fast in most social circles including businesses like ours. My other competition is the yards. Like yours unless your willing to travel 45 minutes, pay shred price for ewaste. I ain't *****ing tho, it's more for me.
As most can't be troubled to drive any further then they need.
2.(or part of 1..either way) Do i have to travel outside my area? Sometimes. My area is only set by my own limitations. I have a route I work an have developed over the time I've been doing this. Now I prefer not to have to travel to the far north(traffic issues an usually not worth the gas)or go so far south as Hatteras. I will go south more often then I will north. Mainly cause I do have some contacts down that way. This is why I say sometimes. I prefer the 20 - 30 mile radius around the house. Keeps me close to all my clients/customers, the house aka office/shop. This lets me hit all the populated spots, an allows me to cross the bridge to the mainland. I only go about 10 miles inland unless it's a good call. Otherwise I stay on my sandbar. My sandbar is only 120 miles or so from north to south where you need to use a ferry.
3. Do I think you should try it? Yes. Being a member here you've absorbed all the knowledge on ewaste, like the rest of us have with other areas of scrapping. Your also honest as hell as far I know from your time here, we can use more such people in the industry. If there is a need for the service an nobody is filling it or doing it well enough when it can be done better...I'd say go for it.
In short..I think you should do it, an may kick yourself if you don't try it. If your not seeing an increase in the bottom line or like dealing with this side, at lest you can say you tried it. Sounds to me like you got a thought out plan, an don't see a reason you shouldn't.
Anyhow, my .02. Use it as you will. Good luck whatever you decide tho.
Sirscrapalot - When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either. - Leo Burnett