I haven't scrapped a large number of tvs but enough to know that some are 'sweet" and give up their bounty nicely (Cu deguassing, larger yoke that is easy to come off and then is fairly easy to get clean). And some are "arggggggggggh" pains (Al degaussing, smaller yokes that have no set screws so they cann't get pulled off nice off of the tube, lots of glue or whatever the crud is on them). These poorer quality yokes, what do you do with them; try cleaning up or does your place just take them as they are and give you less money for them?
My non-ferrous guy does have 3 levels of Cu and although I've never sold any #3 maybe these qualify? I should check it out by next time bringing one and see what they say. Maybe that's the end of the story. But if a guy does need to clean them up, try chiseling them off, throwing them in a fire, etc.?? Just seeking some advice. Thanks!