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Can someone spot check the prices I'm getting?

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  1. #1
    Captobvious started this thread.
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    Can someone spot check the prices I'm getting?

    Just dropped off this load today, I'll list everything out as
    type - weight - price per lb - Total

    All in all the load pulled in $93.37, which while not bad I also want to make sure I'm not getting jacked by my yard and if I need to find a new one or not.... thoughts?

    Steel - 305lb - .05 - $15.25
    Power Cord Ends - 26lb - .25 - $6.50
    #2 Copper - 5lb - 2.45 - $12.25
    Copper/Aluminum Heatsinks - 5lb - .85 - $4.25
    Lead Acid Batteries - 8lb - .18 - $1.44
    Yellow Brass - 3lb - 1.50 - $4.50
    CD-Rom / FDD - 15lb - .10 - $1.50
    Low Grade Brown Board - 35lb - .08 - $2.80
    PC power Supplies - 39lb - .12 - $4.68
    Power Cords/Network Cable - 67lb - .60 - $40.20
    (^^Graded Insulated #2 40%)

  2. #2
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    Batteries are .28 for me and shred is still at .09 the last time I checked. #2 ins is also low, I get .80. But the fact that you can sell your cord ends is interesting. My yard takes them as shred (they also don't tell you that you can leave them on, you have to ask

  3. #3
    Captobvious started this thread.
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    yeah, thought some of these were low... the cord ends I brought down today for the first time, and figured that the worst they could say was no. As it turned out I don't have to pluck the prongs out anymore win/win! As for the rest tho, especially the wiring, I'm a bit peeved. Also this yard makes you clip off connectors or they downgrade harshly. There is one other yard I could take it to for sure and maybe another, the one I know of however aren't exactly the most friendly of folks and the area of town is pretty sketchy as well

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  5. #4
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Some of the prices are lower than what I get and some are higher. I honestly think you did pretty good but I'm almost 800 miles away from you so I don't think comparing prices from one state to another is being realistic. For example, I was in PA 2 weeks ago and gas was 3.50 a gallon. It's 2.88 here. I do think you should shop around at the yards close to you and see what each one is paying. Talk to them. Get to know them and find out how they want your scrap processed and separated. You will make more money. I have 3 different yards I take my scrap to. Shred goes to one, insulated wire to another and aluminum and #1 and #2 copper to another.

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  7. #5
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    Sounds like maybe you should call around and see if there is one you don't know about, or at least get pricing from the other 2. From reading on SMF I was convinced to try a yard other than the one I use regularly and I was not impressed either. One in the same town almost assuredly sells to the bigger one I already go to and one the next town over has similar pricing but doesn't take half the stuff (mostly e-waste) my main yard does. We all have to just make the best of what's available and keep an eye out for ways to make more than scrap or more for scrap.

  8. #6
    Captobvious started this thread.
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    True comparing apples to oranges so to speak won't get very far, I was mainly thinking in terms of if I was getting gouged across the board. I generally don't do much at the scrap yard, other than get rid of the "trash", as I deal mostly with Ewaste that gets shipped out to various places, along with Ebay, which is where I make the bulk of my money to be honest. So yeah scrapyards are about a once a month trip for me usually.

  9. #7
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    Steel - 305lb - .05 - $15.25
    Power Cord Ends - 26lb - .25 - $6.50
    #2 Copper - 5lb - 2.45 - $12.25
    Copper/Aluminum Heatsinks - 5lb - .85 - $4.25
    Lead Acid Batteries - 8lb - .18 - $1.44
    Yellow Brass - 3lb - 1.50 - $4.50
    CD-Rom / FDD - 15lb - .10 - $1.50
    Low Grade Brown Board - 35lb - .08 - $2.80
    PC power Supplies - 39lb - .12 - $4.68
    Power Cords/Network Cable - 67lb - .60 - $40.20
    (^^Graded Insulated #2 40%)

    I would get
    Steel -.09
    batteries - .28
    copper/alum heatsinks - 1.25
    power cords with ends 1.08
    ethernet cables with ends -.75
    brass - 1.75
    power supplies .22
    brown board - ,18

    this is in mid michigan

  10. #8
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Charles, would you mind sharing the yard that is paying 1.08 for power cords??

  11. #9
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Steel - 305lb - .05 - $15.25
    from what I have been reading on here and from talking to people, it really should be .07-.10 usually about .085

    Power Cord Ends - 26lb - .25 - $6.50
    seems awesome to me if you have to cut them

    #2 Copper - 5lb - 2.45 - $12.25
    seems a little light, but it could be worse

    Copper/Aluminum Heatsinks - 5lb - .85 - $4.25
    ouch probably should be $1.00-1.25

    Lead Acid Batteries - 8lb - .18 - $1.44
    should be at least .25 a lot of us are getting close to .30

    Yellow Brass - 3lb - 1.50 - $4.50
    a little light, but could be worse

    CD-Rom / FDD - 15lb - .10 - $1.50
    sounds about right, especially for a yard

    Low Grade Brown Board - 35lb - .08 - $2.80
    should be at least similar in price to the cd drives, but its hard to find buyers for low grade, take anything over shred but always be on the lookout for a real ewaste buyer

    PC power Supplies - 39lb - .12 - $4.68
    not bad

    Power Cords/Network Cable - 67lb - .60 - $40.20
    that is list price for power cords with ends and misc wire at the yard I use. network cable is more. I can get .95 for power cords with ends if I make a trip to a yard I don't like.
    Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.

  12. #10
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    sent you a pm with link to company

  13. #11
    Captobvious started this thread.
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    Thanks guys I had a feeling I should have been looking harder for other yards... two others... well three if you include the place that's a 45 min drive for even worse prices...

    In reply to E-Waste questions, at the moment there's no places local that buy Ewaste except for what I dropped off at this yard today, that is unless I want to sell hard drive boards for 2.00 per lb for example. The big reason I don't worry about brown boards tho is it just doesn't seem to be worth it ship them... Always on the lookout for new buyers tho
    Last edited by Captobvious; 10-20-2014 at 06:42 PM.

  14. #12
    Captobvious started this thread.
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    Oh and get this, I brought a bucket with at least 50lb of HDD magnets with me to see if they would buy... sure.... for shred price.... I was like no thanks, gimme my bucket pls!

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