Steel - 305lb - .05 - $15.25
from what I have been reading on here and from talking to people, it really should be .07-.10 usually about .085
Power Cord Ends - 26lb - .25 - $6.50
seems awesome to me if you have to cut them
#2 Copper - 5lb - 2.45 - $12.25
seems a little light, but it could be worse
Copper/Aluminum Heatsinks - 5lb - .85 - $4.25
ouch probably should be $1.00-1.25
Lead Acid Batteries - 8lb - .18 - $1.44
should be at least .25 a lot of us are getting close to .30
Yellow Brass - 3lb - 1.50 - $4.50
a little light, but could be worse
CD-Rom / FDD - 15lb - .10 - $1.50
sounds about right, especially for a yard
Low Grade Brown Board - 35lb - .08 - $2.80
should be at least similar in price to the cd drives, but its hard to find buyers for low grade, take anything over shred but always be on the lookout for a real
ewaste buyer
PC power Supplies - 39lb - .12 - $4.68
not bad
Power Cords/Network Cable - 67lb - .60 - $40.20
that is list price for power cords with ends and misc wire at the yard I use. network cable is more. I can get .95 for power cords with ends if I make a trip to a yard I don't like.