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Help needed: ISO buyer: Keyboard Mylars

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  1. #1
    HipToScrapSquare started this thread.
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    Help needed: ISO buyer: Keyboard Mylars

    Hi all,
    Picked my first keyboards ever today, got the Mylars out per some previously read tips....

    Who do I look to locally as a buyer? My scrap yard doesn't buy gold or silver, to my knowledge. Should I go to some place with a sign saying "We Buy Scrap Gold And Silver"? Or, a pawn shop? Or a different suggestion?

    What pricing method should I look for once I'm there, since obviously I'm trying to sell them items whose weight is mostly plastic.
    How do you handle this? How does your buyer buy from you?

  2. #2
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    I believe keyboard Mylars require a specific refining process. you may have to ship them. There is at least one buyer on the forum.
    Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.

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  4. #3
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Start in the buyer thread.


    Use the search box an search for..."Mylar Buyer".

    There are two at lest that I know of. One hasn't been active but word is he still buys. Second is active far as I know.


    Sirscrapalot - I had a quote but I'm to **** tired to type it.

  5. #4
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    yes keyboard mylars require an acid bath to remove the silver and then some other chemicals to resolidify the silver back where it can be refined to a pure form. Just info for you guys...several youtube videos on it, but it is DANGEROUS, so please do not try to do it unless you know what you are doing...the chemicals used can eat your lungs out and really mess you up.

    and Sirscrap is right...check buyers section and search OR there might be a clickable link at the top for mylar buyers.
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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  7. #5
    HonestScrap's Avatar
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    You will need many of them to justify the shipping costs.

  8. #6
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    It takes about 50 sheets of mylar on average to make 1 lbs. You will have to find a buyer that sells to a refiner or a refiner, pawn shops or WE BUY GOLD AND SILVER people won't buy it. As long as the price of silver keeps going down it will be harder to find someone to buy it. When the price of silver was up over 30.00 per oz. I had three buyers for Mylar and the going price was 4.00 Lbs. now one buyer quit buying all to gether and the others I'd be lucky to get .50 per Lbs.

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