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  1. #1
    bdepps started this thread.
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    Need quick advice about computer towers and parts

    I have access to about 20-25 older model computer towers, most with all of the components still inside. I know that to make to get the most money out of them it would be best to gut them and piece them out but I HAVE to come up with some money tomorrow and this is my only option.

    My question, if I bring the towers to the scrap yard without removing any of the guts will they still give me full steel price? Would it be smart to at least cut out all of the wiring and weigh that separate? I just don't have a lot of time to work with and need to come up with a few bucks quick.


  2. #2
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdepps View Post
    I have access to about 20-25 older model computer towers, most with all of the components still inside. I know that to make to get the most money out of them it would be best to gut them and piece them out but I HAVE to come up with some money tomorrow and this is my only option.

    My question, if I bring the towers to the scrap yard without removing any of the guts will they still give me full steel price? Would it be smart to at least cut out all of the wiring and weigh that separate? I just don't have a lot of time to work with and need to come up with a few bucks quick.

    I would think a yard wouldn't give anything more then shred price for towers brought in still full if anything at all - this is why it's best to part everything out and sell metal with metal, plastic with plastic, boards with boards, etc.. you'd be throwing alot of money away if you took full towers in for shred. I am curious now though, if the "older towers" are say, 286s or rack-mount 3/4/5U servers, then their weight in just the metal alone are worth parting out. Sorry you're strapped for cash and need it asap... id' lend you a hand if I were in your neck of the woods.

  3. #3
    bdepps started this thread.
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    Well I just got some good new from a buddy. He's going to help me tomorrow morning bright and early dissect all of these computers. I didn't think the scrap yard closest to me actually took motherboards, ram, power supplies etc. etc. separately but apparently they do. So I guess I will be gutting them after all. Again, I know it'd be best to sell the boards and chips etc. online and make a lot more but atleast this way I should do a lot better than just steel prices.

  4. #4
    logansryche's Avatar
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    That's good you found the solution to your problem.

  5. #5
    matador's Avatar
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    Watch the CPUs. Those can be the real money makers. Read up here for prices, and make sure the people at the yard classify them correctly. I'd hate to see a $50 Pentium Pro go as a $0.20 fiber CPU.

    The rest should be pretty self explanatory for them.

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  7. #6
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    I'd reccomend saving the ram and cpu, and at least selling those online, and get your quick cash off the boards, copper, aluminum and shred

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