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  1. #1
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    Advice to new scrappers - Cultivate the people you first meet into relationships

    Most of the folks who have been scrapping here a while already know this, but the new folks to this business might want to think about this. Many of us (if not most) pick up scrap for free. I have gotten many calls off of my craiglist posts, and I make sure to do two things. Engage in conversation so the person will not think I am just there to get something off of them and get out of there. Some folks are a bit apprehensive about someone they do not know coming over to their property, and it helps set them at ease. Also, when I leave, I always say this: "I appreciate you calling me, but I would like to ask one thing of you. If you don't mind, please keep my number, and if you have anything else you that comes up you need to get rid of please feel free to call me. Or if any neighbor or friend you happen to hear has something they need to get out of their way, please feel free to give them my number". When I first say this, it almost sounds like I am going to ask them for something tangible, even though I posted I would pick up for free. After they hear that I would just like for them to keep my number, they quite often think "that is not an unreasonable request, I will do it". I have had quite a few "repeat" call due to this. One person I had made two pickup from called me late last week to see if I could pick up a refrigerator. Another called yesterday and asked if I could pick up a dryer and two window AC units. And another called this morning and said she needed a water heater picked up. I try to leave them with the feeling that they came out good, that they got rid of something they wanted out of their way, and all it cost them was time for a phone call. And one thing I always do after I pick up the item (no matter how many times I have seen them), is tell them "thank you for calling me, I appreciate it". Sometimes I will offer to help them with something if it will only take a minute or two (quick heavy lifting, etc). Always leave them feeling good.

  2. #2
    logansryche's Avatar
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    That's very good advice, thanks for sharing.

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    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    I learned how to do it here on SMF, but you just described my average pick up detail by detail. Very good advice that anyone would be smart to follow!

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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Also, when I leave, I always say this: "I appreciate you calling me, but I would like to ask one thing of you. If you don't mind, please keep my number, and if you have anything else you that comes up you need to get rid of please feel free to call me. Or if any neighbor or friend you happen to hear has something they need to get out of their way, please feel free to give them my number"
    That's why I always have a big handfull of business cards in my truck and a few more in the old billfold.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  8. #5
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Same, I burn through 500 cards every three or four months. I have learned to give someone two, one for them, one for someone who could use my services.
    WI ITAD LLC, IT Liquidation Services, we remarket, buy and sell scrap electronics No customer too large or small!

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  10. #6
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    We sort dumpsters to reduce the cost of commercial waste on a fairly large scale. I do most of it at a industrial complex, but I do some at home. The stuff I do at home for the most part is items that I'm working on a economical, efficient and safe procedure/process for my guys, so as I'm comfortable with it.

    I do no advertising, singes or business cards that say anything about scrapping yet. Hope and plan on getting there just not yet. I thought I was pretty much "sliding" under the radar with my scrap hobby at the house. In the last year though, I started finding "dropped offed" scrap at the gate behind my shop. Slowly I have realized people keep an eye on each others activity. I have started meeting, discussing and even educating with some of my mystery drop-off folks. They are all long time neighbors of mine, they like the fact that 90% of what we process is diverted from a landfill. The ones in the "know" also like the convenience of it!

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  12. #7
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    This really does work. May not seem like it right away though. I've had 2 people call me for a repeat pickup a year or so after the first pickup.

    On the cards, I like to use a binder clip and clip them to the visor so I know where they are. That way they're not scattered across the seat, or falling out the door, under the seat, whatever.

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  14. #8
    spinroch's Avatar
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    90% of my business is from my own networking. 10% is from the internet. The absolute best advertising you can do is word of mouth. Get your Vistaprint business cards, too.
    Return calls promptly and show up when you say you will.
    Be clean and respectful.
    You will get more business than you can handle.
    I have faith in you!
    F1 Recycles

    Electronic/Electrical/Mechanical Recycling

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  16. #9
    ElectricLiquidators's Avatar
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    Great advice.

    I have actually been able to make many new friends, and or acquaintances doing the same thing. The biggest thing is being polite- It goes a long way now of days.

    I had a pile of steel in my back yard yesterday, nothing major, maybe 300 lbs. Kid drives up with his truck and instead of just taking it, he knocks on my door and asks me if there was any work he could do around my house to take that steel. Being a scrapper, my first reaction was to be "No way, I'll scrap it eventually" but instead he was polite and willing to help, so I had him shovel all the soot out of my fire pit and put it in a bag. Maybe took him 10 minutes, but I think because he was polite, it was a win-win for all parties involved.

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  18. #10
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    I find that I never really have to kiss a$$ because I am to happy to pick up the stuff people give me cause I know its money. business cards are great their cheap fyi I love vistaprint lol and can hand out all the time plus a lot of places you can win free meals as a bonus. also simple magnetic signs on your truck if permitted cause some places you cant with out a license but its great for everywhere you go.
    indeed clist works well but does anyone use freecycle as well its a great place and updates a lot.
    also another thing I do is now I have a list but when I got started I pick up the electronic phone book (computer) and I send letters to places of all sorts that you can think to get scrap from and do it every 4-6 months to update on prices and not let people forget your out their even if not needed right now.
    now I do something special for my regulars since I love coins and hoard copper for doomsday just incase but its fun lol anyway I had 1oz rounds made with all my business info and a thanks on one side and its a penny on the face side

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  20. #11
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    Hey travis, I don't know if I missed that post or I'm doing something wrong, but how do you get free meals? I'm thinking it has something to do with you being in Iowa maybe? Here in the suburbs, most people just want me and their stuff gone, some make conversation with me while I load, but nobody has asked me to stay for dinner!

  21. #12
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    sometimes I type faster than my mind thinks its getting it out but now its not iowa I mean in the sense that a lot of places have a fish bowl or something you can put a card in and they draw one to win a free meal or more

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  23. #13
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    No matter how much scrap someone has if they are within a 30 min drive I would go to pick up 1 thing, you never know the future business they could offer you or what u could find on the way

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  25. #14
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralAluminum View Post
    Hey travis, I don't know if I missed that post or I'm doing something wrong, but how do you get free meals? I'm thinking it has something to do with you being in Iowa maybe? Here in the suburbs, most people just want me and their stuff gone, some make conversation with me while I load, but nobody has asked me to stay for dinner!
    Not just Iowa but a lot of restaurants (mostly sit-down) have what Travis calls a fishbowl and business men, contractors, and such just toss their card in and usually the drawing is every week for a free meal.

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  27. #15
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Not just Iowa but a lot of restaurants (mostly sit-down) have what Travis calls a fishbowl and business men, contractors, and such just toss their card in and usually the drawing is every week for a free meal.
    Best way to get free food that doesnt' require a trip to the food bank.

  28. #16
    1LooseCannon's Avatar
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    I've been scrapping about 6 months now and agree completely. I also think I have an edge, at least with the repeat 'commercial' customers (and a few others) that I have been asked by to pick up regularly. I raise honeybees for a hobby and guess what I give good customers? Nothing beats a pound of hand drawn & bottled organic raw honey with your name & number on it as a token of appreciation.

    I used to sell custom commercial medium duty Chevrolet trucks (20+ years) and to nearly every potential client I came in contact with I gave a nice soft pair of leather work gloves with MY NAME (not the dealership) & NUMBER stamped on them. I went one better on those gloves. I observed whether the person was left or right handed and the stamp was ONLY On The Hand Which They Were.

    I might also mention to everyone I pickup from that I raise honeybees as a hobby but don't try to sell them anything. If THEY"RE interested they'll ask me if I sell honey and of course I always have a couple of bottles in the truck.

  29. #17
    matador's Avatar
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    Definitely. Also, make friends with the people at the yard. For example, our yard doesn't do E-Scrap. They know that I do, so they call and give me their E-Scrap.

    Business and friends should mix in my mind...

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