Hey all just wanted to stir up some healthy discussion of the Pro's and Cons of Residential Automatic Curbside collection and recycling. Some years back when I first started scrapping in the bay area, there was regular rear loaders coming by with a crew to get the garbage and they fed anything and everything into the jaws of doom. I would find great items on the curb all the time. Radiators, ceiling fans, rain gutters, busted lawn equipment, smaller crt's, house fan, monitors, a/v cosumer goods. Rarely is that the case anymore. It usually ends up inside the big blue containers at the end of the driveways. Nowadays I have to drive by apartment open top/bulk dumpsters for cool stuff. I plan on adding college campus/apartments dumpsters as a tip I heard about for
Is it taboo to go through the blue bins?? I have found stuff from blue bins only if the lid was ajar and it was sticking out in plain view. I don't think I would make it a regular thing, but it would be curious to know other viewpoints. Also, when I had my truck with an enclosed fencing, I always thought about if it were legal to go out on recycling pick-up with a friend and grab up all the cans from the curbside through various neighborhoods?? Would the city have someone arrested for that as stealing a revenue source??