There's a "KNOWN" standard in ANY workplace (that wants to stay in business and keep their people healthy/living), this procedure is utilized by "TRAINED" electrical workers. This "STANDARD" is to locate and de-energize all live circuits FIRST, that workers "MIGHT" be exposed to!
This simply means to locate a means of shutting-off or isolating the power source first. This is done before any type of "TESTING" or work is done. This done for safety and to limit the possibility of causing more equipment problems. Until you are familiar with the circuits or individual devices, you need to know how to turn the power OFF!
So you need to locate where does the power come into the circuit, its power source (no it's not the electric company). Turn off all switches and/or breakers first. Do this before any testing or checking for "ABSENCE of VOLTAGE". The assumption has to be made by the worker that there is a possible problem and the potential for harm in all electrical work.
You do most electrical work in a "Reverse Order", working backwards in the circuit and towards the device (wire in your case) to be evaluated. IMOP you did your "TESTING" completely "Back A$$ Wards"! I'm not trying to be mean or funny, working with electricity is serious work. This should not be done unless you are familiar with the "basic" knowledge of electrical work. This would include how, limitations and setup of the test equipment.
Trust and believe electricity will "REACH OUT and TOUCH YOU", if you let it. You are fortunate that it was only your "Garden Bender?" that got fried, next time it might be you!
Remember a circuit that is turned off, could still have a "Charged or Energized" condition until properly grounded.