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  1. #1
    1956 started this thread.
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    What are you guys doing with Hard drives for maximum return

    Well haven't been on all that much,been busy setting up a place just for e-waste,
    wanted to separate the e-waste from every thing else.
    Any way i got between 500-600 hard drives and about 200 laptop hard drives
    are you pulling the boards or selling hole?trying to figure whats best.
    just wanted to throw this out there. thanks in advance 1956.

  2. #2
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    I personally pull out the boards, pull the platters and cut them up (to destroy data) use magnets for random stuff, scrap shells and arm as aluminum. But this may not be as effective in your situation if your dealing with huge volumes and having to pay people to remove them, it definitally adds value though if you part them out. Or look into selling them to a buyer on here who buys as working. Laptop ones I don't mess with they are small and a pain to dismantle.

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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    There is a buyer that buys the laptop drives whole. I personally break down the regular drives. I'm looking for a local repair service/shop that might trade good working drives for their scrap. There is also a buyer for the platters along with the magnets. Might be the same buyer.

  5. #4
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    We have a buyer of hard drives, desk top and laptop, he pays more than scrap for ones that work and scrap for those that don't. He also wipes them prior to selling them. If you want to move a large volume and get better than scrap for some this is a way to go.

    Personally I test, wipe and sell my drives but I did spend a good amount of money on getting myself equipped to do several drives at a time. For the drives that don't pass the tests my wife and I break them down. We break them down in the evening while watching tv, I think this is the only way it makes sense to break them down as there are better ways to spend your time. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  7. #5
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    There's a few buyers that will test and buy your drives for better than scrap value. I am lucky enough to have one near me so I dont have to ship them any longer. I think he also does prepaid shipping to.
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  8. #6
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    Best case scenario you find a buyer close to you. That takes out of the equation shipping costs. It also takes out the chance that the drive get damaged in transit since we all know how well usps, ups and fed ex sometimes handle packages, unless they are insured and then they get special attention. If they get bounced, dropped and thrown around there is a good chance some of those drives are going to be scrap after testing. I know I have sent drives that I know were working and when they got to buyer only 1 out of 10 was good.

    Now whether is was due to shipping damage or another reason its the last time I shipped drives.
    Last edited by BRASSCATCHER; 03-29-2015 at 02:29 PM.

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  10. #7
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    -I'd pull all the boards on the ones with 150 GB or less.

    -Sell the separated boards and harddrive w/out boards to a buyer on here.

    -bubble wrap and sell the ones with 160 GB or more to another buyer on here for more than scrap.

    It takes to much time to break them down farther IMO. Though, I realize I could get more money if I did. But I use my time for other things.

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  12. #8
    sledge's Avatar
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    I just got a nice 250 GB SATA and have a 3 sticks of the Good RAM.. thinking I may see if I come across any more before packing up.. can't seem to find anyone local that would wipe it that I trust to sell too.. All you guys who take the HD's wipe them before re-sell?
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  13. #9
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1956 View Post
    Well haven't been on all that much,been busy setting up a place just for e-waste,
    wanted to separate the e-waste from every thing else.
    Any way i got between 500-600 hard drives and about 200 laptop hard drives
    are you pulling the boards or selling hole?trying to figure whats best.
    just wanted to throw this out there. thanks in advance 1956.
    Ohh dear .... not sure i should weigh in because somebody is sure to disagree but i don't have a horse in the race.

    For myself: I buy locally and don't cherrypick the drives. Those ones, along with the ones that i get from scrapping computers kinda give you a good cross section of what's generally coming in. I figure about 10 - 15% of the 3.5" drives will make the final cut and put back into service. The laptop drives seem to have a higher failure rate so i figure less than 10% are good for being wiped & re-used. I scrap out all the rest when i've got some idle time.

    The cream of the crop is valuable to me because i use them in my refurbs. With shipping costs & prep time it's questionable as to whether or not it's worthwhile to sell them as better than scrap. The 3.5" drives average around 1.25 lbs each so ...... ???? The laptop drives might work out better but it all depends on how many would survive shipping.

    For you: I would wholesale the entire lot out to a reputable buyer here in the states. Sell em' .... as is/ where is ...with no warranty as to condition.

    You're probably looking at 500 - 700 lbs for the lot ? Best shipping option would probably be freight with everything in a palletized gaylord of some kind ?

    Keep it simple Sam. The less time & effort you have to expend with em' the better.

    It would be good opportunity for somebody that's set up for wiping, testing, and reselling. Why not put it in their hands and let them make profit as long as they're willing to take the good with the bad ?

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  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappah View Post
    Ohh dear .... not sure i should weigh in because somebody is sure to disagree but i don't have a horse in the race.

    For myself: I buy locally and don't cherrypick the drives. Those ones, along with the ones that i get from scrapping computers kinda give you a good cross section of what's generally coming in. I figure about 10 - 15% of the 3.5" drives will make the final cut and put back into service. The laptop drives seem to have a higher failure rate so i figure less than 10% are good for being wiped & re-used. I scrap out all the rest when i've got some idle time.

    The cream of the crop is valuable to me because i use them in my refurbs. With shipping costs & prep time it's questionable as to whether or not it's worthwhile to sell them as better than scrap. The 3.5" drives average around 1.25 lbs each so ...... ???? The laptop drives might work out better but it all depends on how many would survive shipping.

    For you: I would wholesale the entire lot out to a reputable buyer here in the states. Sell em' .... as is/ where is ...with no warranty as to condition.

    You're probably looking at 500 - 700 lbs for the lot ? Best shipping option would probably be freight with everything in a palletized gaylord of some kind ?

    Keep it simple Sam. The less time & effort you have to expend with em' the better.

    It would be good opportunity for somebody that's set up for wiping, testing, and reselling. Why not put it in their hands and let them make profit as long as they're willing to take the good with the bad ?
    I like that, similar to what happens on some computer auctions. Buy a load at x per drive( more than scrap but less than working price) and hope that you get enough working drives to resell. Stipulate drives must be at least 160gb, whole, no damage.

  16. #11
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    It all depends on your time availability. I used to break them down completely. They yielded a small percentage more broken down than whole a scrap, but as things go and time becomes more scarce, I have been selling mine whole for about a year now.

    If you have nothing to do with your time that would make more money, then break them down.
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  18. #12
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    Not even going to comment on this thread other then to say all the monitors must be on vacation. Did this train run off the rails or what?

    Reminds me of somthing ...

    Buying ewaste and video games !

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  20. #13
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    OFF topic. I used to work with Billy Mays's brother.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  22. #14
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    Cleanup in aisle 7!

    OK, do I really need to remind you guys about no advertising in regular forum areas?

    No penalties, just please refrain.

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  24. #15
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Guess what I buy them as well.........Just kidding personally I don't wanna deal with that many but if you wanna send a few my way.....LMFAO....couldn't help it MODS

  25. #16
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    < Gentle laughter >

    This would have made an awesome April Fools day prank.

  26. #17
    matador's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    OFF topic. I used to work with Billy Mays's brother.
    But wait, shouldn't there be more???


    Please let us know what you do with these. If you go the greater than scrap route, I'd be interested to see a pass/fail ratio. Most of what I see hovers around 65-75 percent. Numbers are always interesting to me.

  27. #18
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  29. #19
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    I'll only buy that game if it's $19.95 with free processing and handling for the next 7 minutes.

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  31. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    I'll only buy that game if it's $19.95 with free processing and handling for the next 7 minutes.
    Operators are standing by ...

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