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  1. #1
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    What advice do you wish you could give yourself when you 1st started scrapping?

    I'm new to scrapping, so I'm chock-fulla questions!!
    I haven't taken my first load in, so I'm still sitting on hundreds of pounds of copper, aluminum, steel, etc...

    If you could go back to when you first started out, knowing what you know now, what would you tell yourself?
    Would it be "how to avoid being scammed"? Better organization? How *not* to look for scrap around town?

    Basically, I know that I have to make mistakes to learn, but I've read so many posts about people making *huge* mistakes and how they'll always regret them. Some people can't even bring themselves to *talk* about it (like this one guy I read about who sold a bunch of computers for a cheap price, and didn't take the cpu's out first).

    So what are some of the common pitfalls that newbies make, that you'd like to give me advice on?

    Feel free to shoot me links to similar posts like this.
    I'm reading through past posts like a madman, so I welcome any & all info I can get my hands on.


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    Read the archives as much as you can. I know it is a pain in the a** but it is a PHD in scrapping and will, from the first day, make you money.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  5. #3
    matador's Avatar
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    That would be this idiot!

    Back then, I didn't know anything, and offloaded 200# of old motherboards and some 486s for a low price- back when scrap was higher. Over the years, I've more than recovered my loss- at the expense of that company! Today, we've taken over half of their income through growth. I'm not out for revenge, but improving yourself is always a good thing.


    As for my biggest mistake, it was jumping head over heels for a truck. For anyone who doesn't know my box van story, I paid $1700 for a 1997 E350. I only owned it for 14 months, and only drove it about 800 miles total (I'm in Wyoming- my commute to work is 80 miles round trip). It cost me over an additional $2600 in repairs, and then developed major engine problems. I sold it for $800- after licensing a truck that never worked, and paying repairs, I lost about $3500 on that truck.

    I used a 1987 Chevrolet that my father abandoned. I slaved over her, bringing her back to life to have something to use. For those who wonder why I hate Ford, this is why. That box truck took me for everything I had, and the Chevrolet was there when I needed her the most. I'll buy a Chevrolet or a Dodge, but I won't touch a Ford with a 10 foot pole!

    < /Rant>
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  7. #4
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    ...but I won't touch a Ford with a 10 foot pole!

    < /Rant>
    LOL "End Rant" =)

    So your advice to me is:
    1-be careful when selecting a truck
    2-avoid all fords?

    I've been looking for a truck for a year now. Any tips would be appreciated.

  8. #5
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    I have a 9 4 E 350 it will pull any thing you can get a chain around, but the front ends on them is crap.

    I certainly wouldn't over took the ford PU with the 300 6 cylinder in it as a starter truck. they are relatively cheep as pick ups go and will do more then a 302 v8 and even probably a 352 and will take more abuse then other brands.

    The 94 area Rams have week transmissions but love the truck later models were better but now that they are owned by Fiat who is known for building junk I don.t know..

    Chevys tend to have weak body structure, electric windows etc.

    Just my experience and opinion. over 50 yrs

    Toyota Tacoma frames are crap and not up to much abuse. for a small pu the Isuzu is practically indestructible

    Nissan are total urban gota have a pick up week end vehicles or ok for light work. My experience over 50 yrs and just my opinion.

    Issus for a light pu are practically indestructible, especially if you can find a diesel.

    Iv,e always wanted to build an El Camino type scrap PU out of a stretch limo.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 04-28-2015 at 10:44 AM.

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  10. #6
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    Iv,e always wanted to build an El Camino type scrap PU out of a stretch limo.
    OH MAN!!! That would be a *DREAM*!!!

  11. #7
    matador's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    LOL "End Rant" =)

    So your advice to me is:

    1-be careful when selecting a truck
    2-avoid all fords?
    Pretty much.

    the carbureted 300s were a good engine, but I have a 1995 Flareside with the EFI 300 and the 5 speed manual. What a dog! I towed a little over 4000# once, and was pulling the hills at 20 MPH, foot to the floor. My 1987 Chevrolet has the 305 (Most people call them boat anchors), and 2.76 gearing (Not what you want), and I pulled the same weight over the same hills at 40-45 MPH. It's a much better truck- and it was abandoned for 8 years!

    I would have a 300 over a 302, though. But, a 351 Ford, 360 Dodge, or 350 Chevrolet will make a 300 I6 its whipping boy in no time.

    On Fords, the Twin I-Beam is virtually impossible to align, and the trucks themselves are a nightmare to service. When I run into a small issue with a Chevrolet, I can fix it with hand tools. With the Fords, it's off to the shop.

    I also agree with Olddude on Dodge automatics- they're finicky. Both my Dodge's have been manuals, though, so no big deal there. In my mind, Dodge's are the easiest truck to service, with Chevrolet/GMC a close second. There are many more GMs, though...

    The problem with that E350 was the rust- I was under it for the last time, and moved my leg up. I kicked through one of the crossmembers. Right there, I got out from under it, and quit trying to fix it. It was a Pennsylvania truck, so road salt killed it.

    That truck had the 5.4 Triton- which is great for an F150, but it was not for that truck. To get the big girl to move, you had to rev the **** out of it!

    Our big truck now is a 2000 Chevrolet K3500 with the Vortec 350. That's what I'd go with- a Chevrolet with a 350.

    The point, though, is that you should look for the best that you can. These trucks are 15-20 years old, so the owner matters more than the brand. A beat up Chevrolet will give you more nightmares than a cream puff Ford.

    Depending on your budget, find a well-cared for truck in the best shape possible. I rushed into that box van for collection events that were postponed anyways. If I would have held out, I know I could have done much, much better.

    < /Rant #2>

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    First mistake for me was passing up all the steel as it paid less I wanted all the good stuff, copper, brass and aluminum. But guess what as you break down those items you are left with some steel! So if I was going to keep this steel I removed I may as well take other free steel I passed up and turn it in!

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  15. #9
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    Always always always check resale value, even just for parts, before you scrap it.
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  17. #10
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    Used to be a Chevy guy till Little o bought them...sold the Chevys and bought Fords. '86 F250 Diesel (all mechanical no computer) Banks Turbo and '95 E150 Van I6 300 Cheap reliable vehicles that I feat the buck out of and they just ask for more.

    Only regret about scrapping/recycling is that I didn't start sooner in life.
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  19. #11
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    Saying no to CRT's and starting sooner

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    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longhairboy View Post
    Saying no to CRT's and starting sooner
    Uh oh...why should I avoid CRT's?

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  23. #13
    matador's Avatar
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    There is tons in the archives on that, but basically:

    when you strip them for copper, they are counted as disassembled. According to EPA/DEQ laws, disassembled CRTs counts them as hazardous waste, while complete CRTs are counted as solid waste. The problem is that disposing of the remains (The leaded glass tube) becomes a legal and environmental nightmare in some cases....

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    Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
    Them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey 'n' rye
    Singin this will be the day that I die.

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  27. #15
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    Best scraping truck for me is a 2000 F 350 with a 7.3 diesel. Over 300,000 miles and still pulling the load. Biggest mistake was building a gooseneck hauling trailer that disintegrated after 45 miles within five miles of the scrape yard. Best lesson has been from SMF selling for more than scrap value. Patience is the key with this strategy.

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  29. #16
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    Agreed on more than scrap value. If you take apart every computer that comes in, and send the parts off as scrap, you'll be throwing away thousands of dollars- easily.

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    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Whoa...on the home page, it says this post is "SMF Topic of the Day".
    What the heck?
    That's good right?

  32. #18
    matador's Avatar
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    It means that a lot of people are looking at the topic and making replies. It's one of the busiest threads of the day!

    It is neat to see your name on the home page, isn't it?

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  34. #19
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrappinRed View Post
    Always always always check resale value, even just for parts, before you scrap it.
    This is my one thing my partner and I did not do (didn't even have an idea). We just turned and burned as fast as we could.
    Also our first load of TV's would have been around 400, give or take. We had them coming out of our ears. Could not send them out fast enough.
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  36. #20
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    It is neat to see your name on the home page, isn't it?
    Yeah, it was cool.
    It's a neat way for me to start as a SMF-er =)

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