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  1. #21
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    This is my one thing my partner and I did not do (didn't even have an idea). We just turned and burned as fast as we could.
    Also our first load of TV's would have been around 400, give or take. We had them coming out of our ears. Could not send them out fast enough.
    I've gotten about 30 tvs my 1st month as a scrapper. I broke them all down & separated the metal/boards. Should I have tried to sell them first?

  2. #22
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    I've gotten about 30 tvs my 1st month as a scrapper. I broke them all down & separated the metal/boards. Should I have tried to sell them first?
    I really don't think there's a market to sell tube type tv's now with flat screens getting so cheap. What I was referring to was to have an outlet for the tubes and plastic. Back then Goodwill and a few others would take the tv carcass after stripping but thats changed and you have to really check around to find the "green" outlet for them.

    Just for the non-believers,,, 26 ft. Hertz rental.

    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    First mistake for me was passing up all the steel as it paid less I wanted all the good stuff, copper, brass and aluminum. But guess what as you break down those items you are left with some steel! So if I was going to keep this steel I removed I may as well take other free steel I passed up and turn it in!

    Common mistake, and not necessarily a mistake .Steel takes up a lot of space, some people just don't have that space. I avoided as much as possible at one time.

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  6. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    I'm new to scrapping, so I'm chock-fulla questions!!
    I haven't taken my first load in, so I'm still sitting on hundreds of pounds of copper, aluminum, steel, etc...

    If you could go back to when you first started out, knowing what you know now, what would you tell yourself?
    Would it be "how to avoid being scammed"? Better organization? How *not* to look for scrap around town?

    Basically, I know that I have to make mistakes to learn, but I've read so many posts about people making *huge* mistakes and how they'll always regret them. Some people can't even bring themselves to *talk* about it (like this one guy I read about who sold a bunch of computers for a cheap price, and didn't take the cpu's out first).

    So what are some of the common pitfalls that newbies make, that you'd like to give me advice on?

    Feel free to shoot me links to similar posts like this.
    I'm reading through past posts like a madman, so I welcome any & all info I can get my hands on.


    Tuff looking lil scrapper there. Glad to see the whole crew practicing good safety habits.

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  8. #25
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    My biggest regret is getting into an argument with my nephew over some scrap wire. He didn't pick it up the day he was supposed to and instead it got stolen. We haven't spoken for 2 years now. The $50 was not worth a family argument.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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  10. #26
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkfreak View Post
    Tuff looking lil scrapper there. Glad to see the whole crew practicing good safety habits.
    Thanks, I don't know who's having more fun w/ all this new son or me! =)
    He lost his magnet, so we're gonna head back to Harbor Freight today.
    Do you all do a lot of shopping at HF? I've been there probably half a dozen times since I started scrapping last month.

    Me with my new wire cutters & Logan with his new flashlight.

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  12. #27
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjost View Post
    My biggest regret is getting into an argument with my nephew over some scrap wire. He didn't pick it up the day he was supposed to and instead it got stolen. We haven't spoken for 2 years now. The $50 was not worth a family argument.
    Dude...what a rip off!
    Not only did the thief steal your wire, but they stole your relationship with your nephew.
    $50 dollars worth of wire...that's so not worth losing a family member over.
    Sorry man.
    Have you tried to patch things up since then?

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  14. #28
    matador's Avatar
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    There really isn't a market for the CRT TVs.

    I had two dumped at our office about a year ago. Instead of scrapping them, I figured that I would give them away to anyone who wants them. They had the remotes, and were in good shape. I took pictures, and advertised on Facebook, and ran an ad in the Free section of our paper. It took me over three months to give them away.

    For me, it was definitely not worth the effort.
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  16. #29
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkfreak View Post
    Common mistake, and not necessarily a mistake .Steel takes up a lot of space, some people just don't have that space. I avoided as much as possible at one time.
    I'm blessed to have a wife that isn't nagging my ear off to get all the junk outta our back yard.
    She teases me about it looking like "Sandford & Son", and so do a few of our neighbors, but that's about the extent of it.



    I'm borrowing a neighbor's truck today & hope to get a bunch of it to the scrap yard.
    My biggest fear is that I get taken advantage of because I'm a newbie.
    Don't aluminum & stainless steel look similar? But SS is more money? If so, how would I be able to tell the difference?
    Should I upload a couple pics of the things I've got? That way, I can learn from you all how to tell the difference.

  17. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    Dude...what a rip off!
    Not only did the thief steal your wire, but they stole your relationship with your nephew.
    $50 dollars worth of wire...that's so not worth losing a family member over.
    Sorry man.
    Have you tried to patch things up since then?
    My nephew lives on the west coast, I live in SD. He is coming to visit other relatives in ND this summer. Hoping we can patch things up over a fishing trip in a couple months.

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  19. #31
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    Your getting off to a good start. As for Harbor freight some stuff is good and some Chinese crap. Just shop carefully. I found all there dikes to be crap, for dikes you can't beat Huskey the one with the slot slide not the center swivel point. Ill try to get a photo up,

    Give up the TVs and CRTs the copper is a temptation but the plastic, tube and boards are looser and a possible law problem. the box is a haven for every pest that can squeeze in and will soon invade your property in droves, That's when you'll hear from the wife }:<{).
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 04-29-2015 at 07:28 AM.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  21. #32
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    the box is a haven for every pest that can squeeze in and will soon invade your property in droves, That's when you'll hear from the wife }:<{).
    The boxes I have out there? Is that gonna be a bug haven?
    How do you all do it? Where do you store your stuff until you take it to the yard?

    Oh, and while we're on the subject, what should I do w/ all these boards?
    I've got tv boards & computer boards out the wazoo!
    How much of the copper/aluminum/motors should I take off before selling them?

  22. #33
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    Aluminium is soft as far as metals go, bends, scratches, and cuts easily, very light, will not spark when touched with a grinder
    SS is generally tough to scratch and thicker stuff is hard to bend it also is much heavier compared to aluminum and sparks when touched with a grinder or dremel tool. Some SS may be slightly attracted to a hard drive magnet...
    most hard drive cover screws are stainless try the magnet test on them.
    Around here Aluminum is paying more than SS but your area may be different.
    The boards will take a while to learn but there are many great threads here to learn, I suggest these
    If i could tell myself one thing...Check the yards BEFORE picking up all those fridges
    bugs will be there, but not because of the scrap unless one is full of soda or beer cans or items with food on them (pots pans fridges ext) then yes that one will be full of bugs..
    speaking of, be wary of what you bring into the house if you do...never know what is living inside scrap items.
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 05-01-2015 at 04:08 PM.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

  23. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    LOL "End Rant" =)

    So your advice to me is:
    1-be careful when selecting a truck
    2-avoid all fords?

    I've been looking for a truck for a year now. Any tips would be appreciated.
    You get what you pay for.

    If you go buy a cheap 1995 Ford, Chevy, Dodge or whatever make, you got to think,,, that is now a 20 year old truck that is going to have 20 year old truck problems.
    Almost nothing worst than breaking down on the side of the road with a full load of junk. A terrible frustrating feeling especially when the tow truck shows up and tells you he can't help you out because all the junk you have piled up makes it too dangerous for him to tow you.

    When you go cash in your metal take all that you can haul. Get every dime you can. Unless you live right across the street from the scrap yard. Don't waste your time taking in just your copper or just your aluminum cans. Unless you have so much of those that is all you can haul.

    What are you doing with the glass from the TV's? The trash men here will not take them. I put them in a big black garbage bag and then put them in my trash tote. If they can't see it they'll take it. Bad thing is only one glass tube will fit in the normal Waste Management trash tote, even if from a small tv. The ones from bigger tv's won't fit at all. I don't mess with CRT's at all anymore.
    Only way I'd take CRT's would be if I had my own personal dumpster to discard the tubes in.
    Plus with copper being way down, a old CRT tv or computer screen will be lucky to net you one dollar in copper. All the work, stripping, tear down, discarding the tube, all for one dollar.
    Last edited by Catfish Bob; 05-06-2015 at 02:34 AM.

  24. #35
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    All of my other old vehicles have been just fine. Keep in mind that my 1987 Chevrolet was abandoned for 8 years before I touched it. It has every reason to break down, but nope- it doesn't even burn or leak a drop of oil. What bothers me about the Fords is the serviceability- every time the F150 was in the shop, it was because Ford "Rupe Goldberg'd" some system that didn't need it. The entire steering column had to be disassembled for a plastic starting rod- GM used a metal setup. The timing gear left me stranded on the road- it was nylon, and sheared 15 teeth. There is now a metal one in there- Ford should have gone with it in the first place. I keep an open order with a vehicle scrapper I know for the plastic door handles- I go through them things in bulk! Try to do any work on that truck, and it's a nightmare. I was able to bring that 1987 Chevrolet back from the dead with basic hand tools. I installed a transfer case in a 1992 Dakota with basic hand tools.

    Sure- any older truck will need something along the way. Last year, my 1987 needed a starter. No big deal- a couple of hours, and I was ready to roll. A Chevrolet or Dodge will need things just like a Ford, but the difference is that I can service a Chevrolet or a Dodge myself. That's worth it to me...

    < /Rant #3>

  25. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    Thanks, I don't know who's having more fun w/ all this new son or me! =)
    He lost his magnet, so we're gonna head back to Harbor Freight today.
    Do you all do a lot of shopping at HF? I've been there probably half a dozen times since I started scrapping last month.

    Me with my new wire cutters & Logan with his new flashlight.
    You can get magnets free from inside the hard drives
    If you are in the business just as a side project and to have fun with the son, then not a big deal to buy some necessities. If you are pinching pennies then I would look for "free" stuff on every job. My facility is full of tools, magnets, computers, printer paper, white boards, totes-barrels-buckets....all from the job. You start getting big loads and its amazing to see the things people discard. I went looking for some heavy duty shelving and found some at a garage sale. Before I could ask "how much", the lady begged me to take it because she didnt want to deal with moving it around. I've never bought a computer, printer or cell phone for my office because I'm able to recycle what people dispose of. Cant tell you how much I've saved over the years. I'm sure guys in the auto scrap business have similar stories regarding working cars or good parts they got.

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  27. #37
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    Old Computer Speakers can also be a source of a magnet in a pinch

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  29. #38
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    Starting from the basic: Purchase a truck or van that is large enough to transport scrap metal pieces,
    Set up an area for metal recycling,
    Start making arrangements to collect scrap,
    Advertise in the local newspaper, online sources like Craigslist
    Check metal prices regularly to be aware of what to charge and what to pay for scrap
    Talk to your county or town about necessary licenses and permits
    Speak to an attorney about how to start a scrap metal business that is legal and above board.

    These are the few basic steps you must always keep in mind.

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  31. #39
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    I would go farther back and say "start scrapping."

  32. #40
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    Keep it simple. The markets change and follow trends. Years ago so much money and competitive friends we all go out and get a few years of making real $ get use to it and go big. Big is good if your in a special area or niche market and have capital.

    I think no loans safe but ugly trucks, keep cost of doing business low incase prices keep dropping. If they drop more the larger businesses like mine will starve (no profit margin) and you need to do more volume for less net income. Now your in a jam. Big business, real overhead, laws and osha and state stuff people to depend on and fickle markets. BLa bla

    I say keep it simple make money save it and enjoy life with family and kids. Our kids and wives dont need all the crap we think they do. THey just want us. RIght.

    Then again I think yes build it big source all over the state pay most get most volume and sell to end users and reap rewards. Upgrade even more by hiring a ebay or upsell type employee and rock that end. Or protype and make cool stuff. Imagine all the sweet grills you can make with 30 old ones. These webbers usually are good grills and we all could make franken grills and sell on cl and stuff too. Who knows now I talked my slef outa my simple business. I want to rule the scrap world get rich and give it all away in the 'KINGDOMS" name.

    Lets hear some stories....


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