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Self-Storage For a Base Camp?

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  1. #1
    BigRyan started this thread.
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    Self-Storage For a Base Camp?

    While I'd love to have my own scrap lot or building, at this point I don't. So in order for me to start hoarding and storing my scrap, are self-storage units feasible? Off the top of my head, it sounds like a good idea (a place to save up a load and/or break stuff down).

    Are any other scrappers doing this? And if so, what size unit do you have or recommend?


  2. #2
    rca987's Avatar
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    I did this for awhile before my parents let me use their garage. It helps to have an outside unit, I had one that you had to walk down a hallway.

    Also got to know the owners pretty well, they would let me clean out "abandoned" units, and free reign to their dumpster.

    I had a 10x10. I mainly used it to store my already tore down stuff.

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