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  1. #1
    1956 started this thread.
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    Does anyone know how to over ride a password on windows 7 ??????

    I need help I forgot my administratior pass word on windows 7 and can't sign on to computer
    Some ones got to know how to do this Help Help.

  2. #2
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    Hirens boot cd, download and burn. Then run it and thee is a few dos password changers that normally work.

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  4. #3
    matador's Avatar
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    If Hiren's Boot CD doesn't do it, Parted Magic will. It costs a few bucks, but it'll almost always clear the passwords. For Parted Magic, burn it to a CD or make a bootable USB drive, and go into the extras menu. The program is called chntpw. Take your time when running through it, and it's not too bad. Make sure to write the changes back to the SAM at the end, or you won't overwrite the password.

    It takes me about 5 minutes to overwrite a password, so it's not too bad....
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  6. #4
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    I have several that I use or have used but now I used "Windows Password Unlocker Enterprise". I am certain that I paid for it but I don't recall how much. Its been very effective in unlocking Window 7 passwords.

    When I have had difficulty getting a thumb drive to work I assemble an optical drive(cd/dvd drive from a tower) with power supply and USB adapter. With the cd/dvd drive and the Windows Password Unlocker cd it seems to work every time.

    I have had difficulties dealing with the mini laptops that don't have cd/dvd drives. Good luck, Mike
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  8. #5
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    Kool trick with the power supply,usb cable, and a cd/dvd player !

    I was wondering .... ever tried going into BIOS and changing the boot order so that your first boot device is your USB thumb drive? The default boot order on most BIOS(es) is CD first then the hard drive. Sometimes the USB drives are enabled for boot and other times they're not but you can change the settings.

    As for the password on win 7 .... might try googling search term "win 7 lost password" and see what it comes up with ?

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  10. #6
    billygoat's Avatar
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    A simple search for "Windows 7 password recovery tool" turned up this: 7 Free Windows Password Recovery Tools (May 2015)

    I've used Ophcrack with good results on XP, but never tested it on 7.

  11. #7
    afmedic279's Avatar
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    Funny i just did this for my neighbors computer. I used the NT offline password rest tool from hierns disk and worked like a charm. There is a faq online with pictures

  12. #8
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    You can modify a windows file that contains the password in plain text, just need to put the hard drive in a hot swap bay/warm boot on another computer as the E drive. My understanding is if you have a windows 7 disc you can "recover" windows and it will reset your password as well.

    If you are trying to avoid reinstalling windows on a system you received from someone else, you CAN "recover" windows without having to redo the activation using the install disc.
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  13. #9
    matador's Avatar
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    With Ophcrack on Windows 7, the only complaint that I have is that it doesn't always discover your password. Numbers in the password really confuse it. If your password doesn't have numbers or symbols in it, Ophcrack may do the trick.

    I prefer chntpw, though. Go in, use a little CLI knowledge, and you're done and out of there in about 1-2 minutes. It's super easy once you get the hang of it.

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