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  1. #21
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I think I'd be finding a different yard for the prices. $100. a ton is not bad for today's conditions but they pay on a gross ton and not a net ton.
    Net - 2000 lb. = .05 lb
    Gross - 2240 lb = .044 lb.

  2. #22
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Very cool!! What do the neighbors (or the wife) think of the new hobby??

  3. #23
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    Something you should know about some types of magnetic stainless. The non-magnetic stainless I've dealt with the most is 304 from commercial washing machines, but I've had several loads with food grade pipe which were 316. That's a better grade of stainless with higher nickel content and higher payout, but it will attract a magnet. If you use a standard speaker magnet or something like it, you can tell it only gives a light pull, but if you use a neodymium hard drive magnet, it will stick pretty good giving you the false impression that it is a low grade stainless.

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  5. #24
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Can someone explain the whole "gross/tare" thing.
    Does that have to do with the amount of non-metallic content I brought in?

  6. #25
    parttimescrapperMD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    Can someone explain the whole "gross/tare" thing.
    Does that have to do with the amount of non-metallic content I brought in?
    Gross is the weight of the truck with the metal in it before you unloaded. Tare is the weight of the empty truck after you unloaded. It is how the yard calculates the amount of steel you brought in.
    Nice to see you spending quality time with your boy. Me and my girls go to the yard together. Me and my dad went to the dump together every weekend when I was a kid. It's about the time together, not the activity.
    Keep scrappin'

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  8. #26
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    Gross means the bulk weight of everything, including your truck, you(if you're sitting in the truck), metal, etc that initially runs across the scale. Tare means whatever was taken off. its usually used when you bring in non ferrous and they deduct the weight of a container you might be using, maybe an iron attachment on an otherwise clean piece of metal, etc. Net is the exact amount of metal you had. Like let's say your weigh your vehicle on the scale before dumping metal, then dump it out, weigh again and 1000 lbs is missing. That means you had 1000 lbs of metal and that's displayed as net on your ticket.

  9. #27
    ChesterCopperpot started this thread.
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    Thanks for explaining the bulk/tare thing.
    I saw a bunch of printers in the pile...I thought you couldn't scrap printers b/c they're mostly plastic. I can get my hands on all kinds of printers to scrap!

    I think from now on, steel's out for me. Too much work, for too little return. I spent weeks removing all the non-metallic materials from that stuff. The $33 dollars I got, didn't even cover gas for the truck I borrowed from my neighbor.

    I'm gonna stick to copper & brass.
    Where can I find brass? I heard thrift stores are a great source.

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  11. #28
    Scrap808's Avatar
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    $0.045 per pound isn't too bad during this down turn. And getting paid $33 to hang out with your son sure isn't bad either.

    As far as brass goes and other more valuable metal, you can check out plumbing companies. A lot of them don't have the time or inclination to scrap their extra piping. Electricians likewise don't scrap their wiring. Water heaters usually have brass/copper you can take off of them. I'm not sure how I feel about buying brass and arbitraging scrap metal, though.
    Last edited by Scrap808; 05-05-2015 at 10:17 PM.

  12. #29
    NewbyScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    Thanks for the info.
    I have about a dozen gutted computer cases...everything's stripped off. Are those ss? I'm guessing no.
    Some PC cases, can be Al U minium ( < English pronunciation ) A magnet will reveal if steel or Alum.

  13. #30
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Also watch the inside of the computer cases as there is sometimes brass or SS standoffs the motherboard screws down to.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  15. #31
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Great to see the kids at the yard.
    I do the same thing, bring the boy to the scrapyard he helps unload after the bulk is tossed off. Then a stop for a milkshake on the way home.
    maybe a quick cast or two at the river...sshhh don't tell your motha
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  17. #32
    etack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewbyScrapper View Post
    ]Some PC cases, can be Al U minium ( < English pronunciation ) A magnet will reveal if steel or Alum.
    Like my wife says to me "I'm not trying to be confrontational."

    Alum is hydrated potassium aluminium sulfate KAl(SO4)2. It has some great uses but its not Al.

    You can however mix it with vinegar and write on the inside of boiled eggs though the shell. like a secret agent man.

    Last edited by etack; 05-06-2015 at 07:22 AM.
    I buy Tantalum Capacitors and offer other services. Check out my thread for more info.

  18. #33
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHscrapman View Post
    Great to see the kids at the yard.
    I do the same thing, bring the boy to the scrapyard he helps unload after the bulk is tossed off. Then a stop for a milkshake on the way home.
    maybe a quick cast or two at the river...sshhh don't tell your motha
    My son love to watch the magnetic claw working the shred pile. He thinks it's just like a Transformer (robot, not wound copper) arm.

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  20. #34
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    good memories AND a good workout AND you got paid AND you did it with your son...WINNER!

  21. #35
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    If you had fun making $33 thats good enough.

    Non magnetic metals in the future will help boost bill
    Aluminum & Stainless & some yards pay a few cents more for magnetic stainless .

    You need find weight once more
    and balance out with some power cords
    Copper bearing
    non magnetic
    even if the premium stuff is in small amounts
    it should get you to $60
    Last edited by Copper Head; 05-06-2015 at 12:10 PM.

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  23. #36
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    You probably didn't have to remove all the non metallic stuff, especially if your yard accepts printers. The first time I ever went to the scrap yard I did the same thing. Then I realized I could've left all the junk on the chairs and strollers and got the same price per lb.

    In my experience it's hard to get the good stuff without taking the steel. Most people don't know how to differentiate metals and will just call you when they have anything. Those that do know how to tell the difference usually won't give you anything if you're too picky. Usually anybody that can tell the difference between copper and brass and steel will be more inclined to give it to you if you also take all the junk they don't wanna haul to the scrap yard.

  24. #37
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Also watch the inside of the computer cases as there is sometimes brass or SS standoffs the motherboard screws down to.
    you beat me to say this but glad you did as a lot of people toss these small bits away as tin or prepared but when you get to doing a lot of computers and fill a 5gal bucket of these it weighs out nice, last one I took in was 48lbs of brass still have not filled the stainless yet lol

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  26. #38
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RevenantDusk View Post
    You probably didn't have to remove all the non metallic stuff, especially if your yard accepts printers. The first time I ever went to the scrap yard I did the same thing. Then I realized I could've left all the junk on the chairs and strollers and got the same price per lb.

    In my experience it's hard to get the good stuff without taking the steel. Most people don't know how to differentiate metals and will just call you when they have anything. Those that do know how to tell the difference usually won't give you anything if you're too picky. Usually anybody that can tell the difference between copper and brass and steel will be more inclined to give it to you if you also take all the junk they don't wanna haul to the scrap yard.
    By me you can get a bump in price if the sheet iron is clean. They give it its own category "clean sheet iron" $.04 lb vs sheet iron (shred) $.0275

    And most Importantly you saw what was in the steel pile so go from there, if they take things with non steel items attached then you can take them in as is, for the same price you just got without removing the plastic, wood and other non metal items!
    Last edited by hobo finds; 05-06-2015 at 10:24 AM.

  27. #39
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    Yea just figured out my yard takes printers and dishwashers too! Steel is just your byproduct like most people on here. I've been saving my steel for 3 months, and now I'm taking it all in. I take 1 load daily after school then load for the next day, I get 120nt so I average 800lbs in my truck and 1200 on heavy loads. I also bring in my copper and aluminum those days and get good money, this works out good for me. Id say you have computer shells so the inside stuff is what's the money maker. Also tons of other items have this such as all appliances, electronics. I wouldn't actively search for steel if you don't have access to a truck a lot, and $33 seems awfully high for gas. My yard is a 45 min trip there 45 back and I spend about $10 depending on my load.

  28. #40
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChesterCopperpot View Post
    Thanks for explaining the bulk/tare thing.
    I saw a bunch of printers in the pile...I thought you couldn't scrap printers b/c they're mostly plastic. I can get my hands on all kinds of printers to scrap!

    I think from now on, steel's out for me. Too much work, for too little return. I spent weeks removing all the non-metallic materials from that stuff. The $33 dollars I got, didn't even cover gas for the truck I borrowed from my neighbor.
    I'm gonna stick to copper & brass.
    Where can I find brass? I heard thrift stores are a great source.

    The way to analyze it is simple
    the odds of finding a little of every thing is in your favor so don't give up on steel
    $33 for steel is kinda ok sorta now a days as these seem to be the new prices .
    Next time 500 # steel mix
    50 # AL
    10# wire even @ .65 a pound
    100# vacuum motors
    20 # of #2 copper from TV's and CRT
    Find some car batteries .30 #

    Never give up on any particular metal cause you feel it does not pay well
    on the other hand next time make sure you have those higher pay items to sell
    they don't take up much room .

    The good news is you can make money .
    The bad news is you pretty much have to be prepared
    to collect scrap any place any time .

    Copper can be found in TV's & CRT monitors
    Micro waves have a trans former with 2 wounds of wire attached to transformer
    one is AL the other CU
    the transformer steel is short fill a five gallon bucket of that and try to move it .
    A mallet and skill to remove CU & AL

    Brass = old pluming but you will have much competition , some times a garage sale or thrift & you will see a piece of brass and
    price will be $1.00
    you feel the weight & it's a pound .50 profit .
    Garbage day is key it's all out there . Further more once you establish you presence
    that you are known people will leave it out for you . You don't realize this but people also don't like to waste
    so once home owners see the same car - same guy - you start seeing toasters , microwaves sitting on top of trash
    this is for you
    & you established your territory . Even the police will leave you be.

    You want scrap you got to swagger it .
    walk over to a dumpster , maggots food trash hang tight to your swagger
    and pull out 10 pounds aluminum . Oh yes it's in there I guarantee it.

    I agree with DevinThaScrapper on the Gas
    my dodge drinks and if I spent $30 range thats lots of driving in my
    non ECO auto , generally $10 should do-it $33 fuel is like 12 gals

    I always put in just whats needed $5 or $10 as thats my goal that fuel to deliver whats needed .
    some how you just force the situation $10 bucks find metal .
    But hey not every one can pull it off as then more would curb hunt scrap .

    I say this with respect and sorry to clog up space as many others scrappers are of a high
    pro grade level .
    God bless all.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 05-07-2015 at 06:53 AM.

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