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  1. #21
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    I can't hear the second scream. You need to go back and fix it.
    Other than that it's an awesome video.

  2. #22
    Mmarro89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evan View Post
    CO2 seems rather different to me. That involves people taking carbons from the ground and putting it into the air. The lead thing involves taking lead from the ground and putting back in the ground. The location is slightly different, but so what? If the lead is dangerous in the ground then it was dangerous from the start. It doesn't make sense to only start fearing it after people are done with it.
    It's the same concept as Carbon based fuels. You are taking relatively inert lead ore, processing it into bio active lead and putting it areas where it can leach into into our drinking water. I'd prefer my drinking water to be lead free

  3. #23
    Mmarro89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stillwaterrecycling View Post
    ANyone bother to google it. I have to admit Im a little surprised no one thinks we can change the world. I figure the responses are from people in ewaste. Im a for profit recycler. I must turn away trailer loads of tvs easy each month or two. Why people dont want to pay to recycle them properly. THis is a huge deal here not a little issue that can just be swept under the table. Well If your into ewaste recycling as a business you must fall asleep at night thinking some way you can make a killing with crt. Look they are everywhere and no one wants to deal with them.

    I wont source historical stuff that people thought nothing one person could change and it changed the world......

    Im a broke crazy scrapper.

    Look the crt glass they are using in concrete is the leaded one. They are crushing it to meet a standard already meet with another type of rock, it will save 5 percent on the concrete end too. THats a huge energy savings if you think of all concrete made in the USA.
    The answer is out there in someones head to the crt problem but I hear you we all feel helpless. You can change the world.

    Ill start. My name is Aaron. Im mentally ill by most standards. Some days im happy others Im sad. I was told by the doctor I can take a med and feel normal all day. No happy no sad just bla.. SO I say no!!! Embrace the crazy inside. Who cares one life!!

    If cutting the ac line of that one small ac keeps you in your house that month good for you!! If you like old am tube radios like the abc and get shocked because they ground on chassis too bad you should know better. Geeze you guys why we changing the whole way we live to insure that lazy or people who make a good living cheating, or just plain stupid by choice govern the laws. What Im saying the country is so scared of peoples right to be what ever our rights are changing.

    I dont like to see ac lines cut or oil tipped out on a scrap yard or a radiator leak 1 cc of coolant but if someone does it the best they can and or if a mistake happens thats what **** luck is for, but the laws are changing so hard now to cover all the idoits out there you wont be able to pay your bills anymore doing scrap as a one many show . You will be waiting in line at walmart hoping to get a job for min wage. Then try to pay the bills.

    We got band together here. Another yard I know is down because of somethign epa again. Where is all this stuff getting processed now in the back yard of some dude in the woods. LOL Actually not funny.

    Yes nice weather huh! good day.

    I googled it after first reading this thread. One of the first articles is about the myths behind CRT "solutions" and says that very little if any of the glass can be used in construction aggregates because even the front panel still has a small percentage of lead not suited for pavements that will be exposed to constant erosion from the elements and the traffic. As for making money, the only ones making money are the end processors. Even then, I read all the time about these companies failing to meet demand and must keep stockpiling glass. There just isn't enough processing capacity right now nor any outlet for leaded glass. This needs to be a painful lesson in manufacturing without considering how it can be recycled

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  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrappinlife View Post
    I say charge $5, $6, maybe even $7 more for every new TV or desktop computer that people buy to go towards government funded recycling centers. Every state dump, landfill, and curbside pick-up could start accepting them free of charge. What's $5 to $10 more for a TV? This is a purchase that most of us only make every 5-8 year's. I hate big brother getting bigger, but this is an economics problem; it's a high risk low reward business for recycling these TVs. Not very many business want to touch it. We need big brother on this one.
    They do that in California, there is a tax on new TV purchases to subsidize the cost of recycling CRTs. This essentially works like the deposit on beverages in that you can get paid by a recycling facility in California for your CRT. Yes get PAID by the pound for the CRTs! But they have to originate in California.

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mmarro89 View Post
    It's the same concept as Carbon based fuels. You are taking relatively inert lead ore, processing it into bio active lead and putting it areas where it can leach into into our drinking water. I'd prefer my drinking water to be lead free
    I tried searching for some sources that support what you've said, but I couldn't find any. Do you have any links to material that support the idea that lead ore is less likely to contaminate ground water then the same amount of lead in other forums?

    I did find a few thing related to the topic, but they seem to contradict what you say.

    For example this.
    10 Most Deadly Rocks and Minerals - Listverse

    And this.

    Why should hazardous lead waste exports such as batteries be the only type of lead export to be licensed when the lead carbonate or lead sulphide ores and concentrates that are shipped from Australian ports are in a far more hazardous form?

  7. #26
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    You are missing my point. It's not that lead ore isn't dangerous. It clearly is. But people do not drink from water sources near contaminated by known lead ore deposits. When you manufacture a CRT then landfill the broken ones for the past 20 years or break them on sides of roads, bury it in ditches, etc etc. you are now contaminating my backyard where there never was lead before. This is going to come off as brash but if you don't mind lead contamination from improper disposal will you let companies build dump sites over you backyard?

    Edit: I am not insinuating you improperly dispose of them
    Last edited by Mmarro89; 05-16-2015 at 02:17 PM. Reason: Clarification

  8. #27
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    This doesn't solve any problems but I think it's pretty cool. Came up when I did a google search for CRT as solar collector.
    Solar Powered Death Ray
    And I know some of you will try it.
    Videos show how to turn an old television into a solar-powered death ray that will burn through anything in its path at 2,000F | Daily Mail Online

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  10. #28
    stillwaterrecycling started this thread.
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    Good discussion. The lead inst the problem. We have many more pounds of lead and were driving around and crashing them. THats our batteries. The lead acid battery is a closed loop program the lead acid battery is totaling 50 billion dollars in one year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    99 percent of the 50 billion dollar market is recycled from an existing lead acid battery. Lead acid batteries are the poster child of almost near perfect closed loop recycling perfection. Yes the smelters may release some stuff but they got that under control why. Every single internal combustion engine and or power source relys on lead acid starting batteries to start. Try to start your cop fire personal car with out a lead acid battery. Try storing the power from Niagra falls if its peak time and your down or you need more power its stored in lead. When the power crashes on the Net or the NSA or the White house war room. You guess it lead acid. And even better no other chemistry is like lead Why do you think 10 decade old tech is state of the art. Lithium ion when you use the battery its turned into a battery that yes can be recycled but no not profitably. The salts or what ever is the dead state of a lipo batt is not worth recycling profitably with out a ton of chemistry and cost. Its the truth. So the industry has a standard for the most recycled post consumer product ever. The lead acid battery. My baby .lol.

    Now crt glass had a post consumer pipl line like batteries. But junk lead acid batteries are being used to make all new batteries. No lead is mined anymore folks. Its mined as a by product of other desirable, but not just for lead. There is 300mt or something in above ground warehouse stock right now on the London Exchange, why mine underground supply. All the easy lead is gone.............its in batteries.

    All this planets use for power all the power we need now to power cars, traction, standby and when the newer more expensive chemistrys like lithium drive up because were using all the free rare earth metals and no more left guess what we need more lead. Technically lead is in a really good position for the next 50 years barring any unforseen power storage that at 12 volts can push 1000 amps. Look at your batt cable move under load and its size of your thumb compared to your cellphone charger cord and you will start to understand why lead is still king of current. No snake oil here.

    Why the post about batts when were talking crt. Because im showing you something thats really weird. Look at batts, as many lead acid batteries you can recover for me I can get paid on each one. If you had 1 million pounds of lead acid a month we could get paid on them. The battery scrap is lead plastic and water. They need it to make more lead acid batteries. The lead acid battery companies are the biggest monopolies in the world. I love old capitalistic take take take and provide a service and if the government says whats up with your monopoly you say hey your not complaining when you start your car. IE Standard oil and Rockefella. (well old Aaron. My new creature in Christ doenst care about money anymore he provides what I need)

    THis battery thing is what crt was before the lcd screen. They recycled them into new CRT for your memere and pepere to watch in the 1970's!

    So your worried about a crt screen, that lead is locked up way better than a battery. One grp 65 is 25 pounds of soft soft dusty lead paste. Id worry more about seeing a battery in the woods rather than a tv but none are acceptable but because batteries have a small value now they are reclaimed and not in the back yard ruing your water. Crt no luck. No one wants them. even though its still lead. Still a product that kills and not a fun way. Lead poisoning is the worst. you slowly slowly accumulate it and guess what you never know until your nervous system stops working well you get very cranky, tired, lossing memory your body cant send signals between its Neurons (gates) well and when you get tested guess what the lead is gone because its such a small amount it was never there. LOL Any amount i mean nano what ever a deci what ever is too much. NOw your left with its effects for ever and no way to prove it or anything. To live for me now is Christ. Im working for the finer things in life................

    I love recycling batteries its a necessary evil. Done well it can and will provide a near perfect solution. But what the Basel action network is talking about in other countries happens here. Right here in our USA people like me were doing what is acceptable and what is the standard with out knowing its killing them...... all for money. So I see my recycling business and think, Im making a new novel way to contain these batteries. I've touched millions of them and always didnt like whats happen but its the standard and like scrap theft you make it to regulated you cant profit and now it all stops and goes underground. Thats the worst case right illegal recycling for profit of hazardous material. IE maybe some rare earths and Nuclear stuff. Believe me you dont want to know how many times the last one the big N stuff goes on that shouldn't and the people that have the tech know and the warning bells and whistles are going off all over the world but one country can not police the world. IT makes me think we gota get right with the LORD, another 50 years the world will be very different. I hope and pray Our country stays on top. For the sake of the world we should be right now writting your elected officials not to raise or lower a toll both or the same with a tax or complain about their salary on beacon hill going up. IT should. The goverment knows it got a big job coming up. The world is growing faster everywhere else and they are sovereign countries that are workign with us now but dont forgot some want our heads cut off or others need us so bad because we buy all their exports, what happens when they dont need us and we want to police their nuclear or data or people exports. Dont forget how before this last 100 years one boat 100 people could kill 90 percent of a race with a disease they just didnt see before or have resistance.

    different world guys and gals. Im happy to recycle with you to make enough to have a place to live or take my kids to softball games but Im preparing for the next life. I will say sorry for my Jesus thing but Ive worked with enough killers (lead and heroin) that I recognize before most when a new trend is happening and we all are too busy working to feed our families we cant think beyond our money and health issues. This is devils work. The distraction..

    So the crt its got lead and huge supply. Ill do the numbers in the next post. Lots of money to be made!! If you can midigate the cost of disposing the crt glass (Like guy in CA did) you can source and I mean be paid to take tvs and then scrap out the small other stuff and whats left a ton of money less the crt glass to dispose.

    I know there is a solution. Is there anyone out there who is really able to push all the other bs aside and has a dream that they know they are being held back because they dont have the resources. Tell me and Ill pray for you. Im at home writing this long post because My kids and wife I have a hard time chilling with because Ive always recycled and paid the bills. Now my system is almost near perfect I could hammer this lead battery and crt recycling and profit but guess what I refuse to do it the old way. the old way that is the standard I dont agree with and Im living proof money isnt all its cracked up to be. Im leaning on god, there is a better way to recycle lead and I hope this forum can lead me the right way. I have no capital but a track record of millions and millions of pounds recycled alone the normal way thank god with no majors!! I propose a better way to collect and ship to the smelters lead acid batteries. Problem is I wont be able to pay for them anymore. Will junk yards forgo getting paid for their batteries to ensure they are shipped and handled better. It would have to change a whole industry one that is huge and very set in its way. So much so the feds cant change these guys.... feds need batts lol and that would be a nice case. USA vs battery co monoply and battery lose.. fed gov loses all its ability to start cars back up your conversation with your wife today on your ride home (lol its for national security, im serious praise the lord, we can have freedom of religion here plus the other 25).

    So lets figure out this crt thing and add it to anyones lead acid recycling battery program. Any scrapper who has seen the markets dry up and want work Hopefully Ill be hiring because I know when Im able to turn against the tide of how batteries are recycled now there will be alot of work. From New England to CALI each and every car has a pb battery and it will die soon. I want to touch that battery with my driven by saftey and with consideration for life, not just profit. Oh I dindt meantion lead paint. Another huge issue its going into landfills I think. but again like crt could be put through refiners that do batts process with a few other processes but it takes the margin out of the profits. Who cares lead is crazy ass cool but sick element. I have had a love hate relationship with it for 8 years. I love it but to think such a small amount like a one big mistake one time in your lung or blood can give a gift that keeps giving it kills me too. Ideas you guys spit them out. THis fourm could start a whole new way to deal with the most recycled consumer product by percent. Serious. And make us money we can all get batteries in our waste streams we can make money and do it right but someone has to pay for it maybe upfront or somene has to make money on the back right. OHHH now Im tired.

    Good nite scrap forums, this site made me so much extra money its a wealth of info. SOrry for my long posts! Aaron with STillwater Recycling LEOMINSTER Ma

  11. #29
    stillwaterrecycling started this thread.
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    On the bright side Im not trying to say we all have to go crazy epa cert. If that was the case your car battery if it because hazmat it anyone driving your car would need a hazmat endorsement.

    2000 tons of wheel weights fall off cars each year in the US> they are most 100 percent lead. A crt tube is 2to 5 percent. So basically we or for some reason we feel like we cant do crt when a wheel weight has I bet close to the same amound of actual lead in it and a half million pounds a year are thrown all over the USA, no cares about that. Im doing something about this crt thing. I cant say what I have no funds and a battery business Im moving away from profit to try and do what is right but it goes against all conventional thought when your alone in house with kids that are young and no other income. I see clearly why people in other counties do ewaste and get sick or what ever to live. No the same analogy but think even if your not in scrap what it cost to do your job. Is it a greater good job or provide a puplic service, who cares you need to provide right. WHat about cops or emt or firewoman they can leave and not come home so all jobs have risks I know that, but since I have been born again and went back to my buz persoanlly I cant speak for all you but in my line of work the crap that I saw I didnt like but im no snowden. Lol I cant whistle blow and get a free trip to Germany. Im the owner and want to make money recycling profit and survive but the day to day leaves just enough. Scrap fourms lets make some noise. Throw out some ideas. Capital helps. I know your all seeing tvs and junk no one wants all over the place. Its hear some more ways to clean this stuff up, bring it in as safe as possible and make a days pay from it.


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