There is a muffler shop that I drive by regularly. Every day there is a new small pile of stuff sitting on the trash side...varies from maybe 20 pounds up to a hundred or so I'd guess. Later in the day, several hours after closing, it is rhyme or reason to when though...for instance I drove by two hours after they closed today and it was still sitting there...but probably by 9 it will disappear.
So today, I stopped by and just asked one of the mechanics what they did with the scrap...'we scrap it ourselves'...which kind of doesn't add up, because if you did, why is it left in plain view along a busy street and doesn't disappear until well after closing and dark?
Is is code for "I don't know and don't care/go away/that's the default answer the boss told us to say/we have a known scrapper who picks it up/we don't know you so I'd better say no/Rob the tech has a route after work" or what?
Do I wait a month or so and go back in and ask the manager or office help? Not a big deal to me, but I hate to be passing by metal if it really is up for grabs.