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What's Your Craigslist Strategy?

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  1. #1
    BigRyan started this thread.
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    What's Your Craigslist Strategy?

    I figure since generally speaking we're all mostly in different areas, that it wouldn't hurt to share your strategies for scoring in the "Free" section of Craigslist.

    Is there anything you can say to the person who posts a free (insert scrap here) to get them to hold it for you specifically?

    The reason I ask is because I often see ads posted that say "first come, first serve, don't email or call, etc etc" but 5 minutes later the ad was removed by the author...which tells me that either someone picked it up extremely quick OR an experienced scrapper convinced them to hold it for them. Are these scrappers bribing them (offering a few bucks or something?).

    Any tips would be great and appreciated by everyone I'm sure. Thanks!

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I don't really have a strategy. About 1/2 the time I call about an item, it's still available. I don't ask them to hold it, because I won't hold anything for anyone. Too many no shows and flakes. I also wouldn't bribe them, most the stuff I pick up isn't worth paying for by the time I spend gas and time to break it down.

    Wouldn't surprise me if some watch the free section like a hawk and as soon as something pops up they rush out to claim it.

    On "curb alerts" where they post the address, depending on how far and when it was posted I might go after it.

    The problem in my area, and I assume many others, there is just too much competition for what CL users are giving away. I won't complain though. I've picked up tons of washers, dryers, fridges, stoves, a few pieces of exercise equipment, etc. Even scored a running Craftsman riding mower and self propelled mower from a guy. Another guy I got a basket case dirt bike from and sold it for $100.

    For those that go after appliances, look under the appliance section for free stuff. I picked up a really nice gas dryer and it had been posted for about a month. Was kind of surprised it was still available. Or you can input "free" into the search bar, but that will bring plenty of results that don't pertain to the item being free.

    Not sure how to have a better success rate with free stuff, other than to sit there and watch it all day, or get a notifier, but I don't know how fast those update.

  3. #3
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    Use google alerts and put in quotation marks "free scrap craigslist (and your city)" you have to have a gmail account and it will notify you immediately when that posts anywhere in the city or state you specify. Als try people say there getting rid of stuff all the time on there. Just be sure you put your city name in or state if you travel a lot.

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  5. #4
    dherik's Avatar
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    I have given up on posting, the lame competition around here gets a bug up their butt, and flags every post I put up, my fiance seems to think it's because my posts are generally grammatically correct. Especially after I figured out how to get rid of monitors make a little money on them, and NOT have to take them apart.

  6. #5
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    Is there a strategy for Craig's List? Be very fast!!! I try to be on at the times when there is the most activity which seems to be early and evening. The squared away people leave a number. The not so squared away leave no contact info. I call or email immediately with my home and cell #'s and assure them I will be there at the pre-arranged time. I'd guess and say about one in ten times I get the item. I can't explain how a listing comes up and within 2-3 minutes it's gone!

    Lots of folks on CL think they have a gold mine in scrap that they're throwing out on the curb when in fact it's 3x the fuel $ to drive there.

    A CL idea that works much better for me is under the Garage Sales section. I pay attention to multi family, moving, and high concentrations in one area. I'm only concerned with the times they get over. I had my springs sagging on my 2500hd today and it was only Saturday. Sunday will be even better!
    Last edited by AKman; 06-04-2011 at 04:33 PM. Reason: sp

  7. #6
    Kris Kringle
    I have no Craigslist Strategy as a matter of fact I have gotten away from craigslist as a marketing tool it has become over priced for now. Next Week I am going to get into some face Time with people.

  8. #7
    Scraplogic's Avatar
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    I'm with AKman, respond with interest and say a few reassuring things. I say I am very interested in said item, I'm in your nieghborhood/city, here's my first name and cell. I can come in a few hours, tonight, or tomorrow as options, also flexible. If you respond to me, I answer the cell, and I always show up, unlike some CL flakes out there. I think you're ahead of the game if they already know when you can come. You are communicating in advance something they will have to ask you anyway.

    If/when they respond, I confirm I'll show up, and will call if I can't.

    As other free stuff easier to get, try Freecycle. I think it's in most areas. The one in my city, stresses the people giving away that they are not allowed to post free-for-all type ads, as it is inconsiderate and often someone really needing the free usuable itme(s) may not be able to afford gas for wild goose chases. They suggest people post the free items (s) wait for a few response emails from people interested and then choose one to email back and give out address.

    For Freecycle I use the same type of response. I give them name/number and some feel-good info, In the neighborhood, etc.

    You can also post wanted ads on freecycle. It's far more tame than CL. I quit responding for a while, as I got overloaded with stuff. Have to pair down before hauling home more, LOL.

  9. #8
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    Just keep posting. When your flagged...look at it as they are helping your ad will now be back on top

  10. #9
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    I use CraigsPro+ app on my Iphone and it alerts me when things are put in the free section. It's not actually "real time" but pretty close and surprises me when I've been busy and i look down and see "Free stuff blah blah blah"..; )
    And BTW I promise I did not make his app! Bwahahahahahahahaha

  11. #10
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    lol Dixie !

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