99.99 % of the buyers in the buyers section are good, some better then others as in every situation and, now and then one sneaks in or gets ahead of themselves (I am guilty of this).
I have 2 customers who are Forbes 100 corporations and every thing they do is a brush fire for me with little notice in advance. with out my buyer and his crew Whom I can always count on to go far beyond any reasonable expectation, I would have been out of business years ago.
I am bringing this up now for 2 reasons, 1. the business climate is not well at this point and I expect it to get worse in the near future. Cement your relationships with your buyers and sellers now. The 2nd reason is stated above. my buyer seem to some how always pull my A** out of the fire by waving his magic wand of experience and stability.
Last week one customer called me with several loads to go in a week or so. !5,000 lbs in Birmingham. 30,000lbs in Florida and 15,000 in Tenn before the end of July. late Monday afternoon he calls and tells me the load in Birmingham was such and such and it needed to leave the dock by wed.
what the customer told me the load was and what it really was were 2 separate things. my buyer was on the phone with me at after 8 last night and before 8 this morning making arrangements so this load would leave the dock today as demanded by my contract. This was a situation out of my control. Because of my buyers dependability, experience and willingness to do his best the load left as scheduled like putting a letter in the mail box.
My buyer pays the highest prices over all but price is not the only thing important in a business relationship. If I could recommend him here I would gladly do so for the benefit of you all but rules are rules so I will leave the recommendation in the
e buyers section where it belongs.
P.S. MY shipping rate was .06, less then half what I expected