Back where I grew up in Vermont, the farmer that used to own the land before my folks built up an old car pile. I'd say maybe 20-30 Model T's and that kind of stuff rusting away. Newest car on the pile is probably 40 years old. There's about 150 yards to a truck-accessible woods road up the hill from the pile. Terrain is smooth once a few dozen trees are cut for access. Biggest problem: it'll take a tight turn to get onto the woods road from the the road that we can cut to the pile (wish i had a picture to show)
Wondering, what kind of equip't would you use to get this out? 1st consideration is anything cutting into profitability. My brother has a ton 1/2 truck, 30 hp 1960 ford tractor, all we have right now is real small firewood trailers for the tractor. Also (dont laugh) a team of steers.
Right now I'm thinking if I'm up this summer a bit we may just skid it all out piece by piece with the team since he's working on training them. Got to work them anyway so might as well use them for the pile. Only thing is if rusty pieces of metal are falling off in the path we're really gonna have to take care to clean em up so they dont cut their shins, or switch to tractor and FarmI winch arch. They're still 2 years old right now.
Big problem is we got nothing hydraulic to load a trailer with. Skidding is my idea right now.

Would you get a roll-off from the scrapyd or haul it yourself? We may have to rent a trailer so I'm not sure which would be cheaper, trailer or container?
Neighbors have loaders with claws but basically that would kill all our profits to get them to come in.