A futuristic picture frame.
I have thought it would be fun and entertaining to make some shadow boxes later with some velvet looking material for the background and then put "smalls" like keys, buttons, medals and such in them.
I have never bothered to make any as I personally wouldn't want them on my walls as I'm a bit fussy about what I put on my walls. I have seen many nice examples at the flea markets and such that others made.
Even if I don't personally care for a piece of art and such, I do have a good eye for what is art and what is not. Part of the reason I'm good at what I do in the curio & collectable biz. I have always been attracted to odd, weird and interesting things of a artistic nature. I collect many items just because I like the way they look and I turn out well as it seems that many others like what I have. The is the idea of my collecting and such. Buy at a bargain and don't go in debt chasing your dreams and goals.
I realize that many wonder why I trade scrap for funds for my hobbies when many are doing it to live and eat. It's just a part of who I AM as I do greatly enjoy my collecting and many other hobbies.
I look at the world around me and think on the history of the past and realize that about all I can do is go about my Life in the way that is most comfortable and works best for me and those around me.
The BIG problem that many have these daze is that they let "the mark of the beast" sneak up on them and became a slave to the company store and haven't figured out HOW to escape the circle of Life that they have become stuck in.
I suppose I'm saying that if a person isn't debt free as of now, it's not getting any easier as the weeks go by. I have to work it all the more and wonder when the face of reality will come knocking on my gate after they have already entered.
There are those that choose to believe that as long as you say the proper words and do the proper rituals that it doesn't much matter in what order you do them as order causes confusion in a normal world.
A bit like the example I heard in the military for when on live ammo guard duty.
BANG on target
Warning shot Bang
HALT or I will shoot!
WHO goes there?